Change a Light Pledge Driver Tool-Kit

Thank you for making the public commitment to invite your community to take the ENERGY STAR Change a Light Pledge. With your leadership in this growing movement, we can make a bigger difference helping to preserve our environment and energy resources for future generations.

Materials to Get you Started

Recommended Timeline

Guides you to success with suggested milestones and a structured approach.

Sample E-mail Templates

Customize the templates and send to members, employees and customers to encourage them to pledge, or use to invite organizations to join as members of your pledge driver team.

Web Icon(s) and Sample Link Language (359KB ZIP)

Use on your web site, e-mail, web communications, etc. — be sure to use your unique URL as the link.

Sample Newsletter Articles

Invite employees or others to help you meet your pledge goal or to invite organizations to become pledge drivers.

Key Talking Points and Facts

Build articles, web content, handouts, and more.

Press Release Template

Promote your involvement.

Included in your welcome e-mail was a link to your own personal tracking page. Visit this page as often as you like to see the results of your efforts and compare your progress to others across the nation.

More Promotional Materials

Thank you again for inviting your community to join this national effort to preserve our country's energy resources and to fight global climate change. It's a small investment of time and effort that will make a significant difference for our future.