National Endowment for the Arts  
Grants: Apply for a Grant
  Grants for Arts Projects  


Review Criteria

Applications will be reviewed on the basis of the following criteria:

Access to Artistic Excellence

The artistic excellence of the project, which includes the:

  • Quality of the artists, arts organizations, works of art, or services that the project will involve, as appropriate.
  • Artistic significance of the project.

The artistic merit of the project, which includes the:

  • Potential impact on the artistic and/or cultural heritage of the nation, region, or field.
  • Potential impact on artists (including evidence of direct payment) and the artistic community.
  • Potential of the project to broaden access to, expand and diversify the audiences for, or strengthen communities through the arts.
  • Appropriateness of the project to the organization's mission, audience, community, and/or constituency.
  • Plans for documentation, evaluation, and dissemination, as appropriate, of the project.
  • Likelihood that the project will achieve the identified outcome(s) and the feasibility of the proposed performance measurements.
  • Ability to carry out the project including the appropriateness of the budget, the quality and clarity of the project goals and design, the resources involved, and the qualifications of the project's personnel.
  • Where relevant, potential to enhance the educational experiences of the audience or participants.
  • Where appropriate, potential to reach underserved populations such as those whose opportunities to experience the arts are limited by geography, ethnicity, economics, or disability.

Challenge America: Reaching Every Community Fast-Track Review Grants

The artistic excellence of the project, which includes the:

  • Quality of the artists, arts organizations, works of art, or technical services that the project will involve, as appropriate.

The artistic merit of the project, which includes the:

  • Potential of the project to reach underserved populations -- those whose opportunities to experience the arts are limited by geography, ethnicity, economics, or disability.
  • Potential to broaden and/or deepen public understanding and appreciation of the arts.
  • Potential to make quality arts or cultural resources more widely available.
  • Appropriateness of the project to the organization's mission, audience, community, and/or constituency.
  • Likelihood that the project will achieve the identified outcome(s) and the feasibility of the proposed performance measurements.
  • Ability to carry out the project including the appropriateness of the budget, the quality and clarity of the project goals and design, the resources involved, and the qualifications of the project's personnel.

Learning in the Arts for Children and Youth

The artistic excellence of the project, which includes the:

  • Quality of the arts learning experience including the demonstrated potential to:
    • Increase or strengthen participants' knowledge and understanding of the arts.
    • Increase or strengthen participants' skills in the arts.
    • Apply national or state arts education standards.
  • Professional quality of the artists, arts educators, or works of art that are to be involved, as appropriate.
  • Quality of the participating organizations including their experience in arts learning for children and youth.

The artistic merit of the project, which includes the:

  • Opportunities for direct participation in and experience with the arts.
  • Opportunities for the study of works of art or the acquisition of artistic skills.
  • Plans for assessment according to national or state arts education standards.
  • For professional development projects, potential to prepare highly qualified teachers, artists, or others to work in arts learning with children and youth.
  • Degree of commitment (by the participating organizations and individuals) to common goals. This includes working together to plan, develop, implement, and evaluate the project.
  • Plans for documentation and dissemination, as appropriate, of the project.
  • Likelihood that the project will achieve the identified outcome(s) and the feasibility of the proposed performance measurements.
  • Ability to carry out the project including the appropriateness of the budget, the quality and clarity of the project goals and design, the resources involved, and the qualifications of the project's personnel.
  • Where appropriate, potential to reach underserved populations such as those whose opportunities to experience the arts are limited by geography, ethnicity, economics, or disability.

For more information on arts education standards, please see Learning in the Arts: State and National Standards for Arts Education.

What Happens to Your Application

Applications are evaluated according to the "Review Criteria" for their category.
The Access to Artistic Excellence and Learning in the Arts for Children and Youth categories use the agency's traditional method of application review. After processing by Arts Endowment staff, applications are reviewed, in closed session, by advisory panelists. Each panel comprises a diverse group of arts experts and other individuals, including at least one knowledgeable layperson, with broad knowledge in the areas under review. Panel membership changes regularly. The panel recommends the projects to be supported, and the Arts Endowment staff reconciles panel recommendations with the funds that are available. These recommendations are forwarded to the National Council on the Arts, where they are reviewed in open session. The Council makes recommendations to the Chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts.

Challenge America Fast-Track Review Grants receive an expedited review. After initial staff processing, applications are reviewed by a diverse group of arts experts and other individuals with broad knowledge of the specific types of projects in this funding area. Following further staff review, these recommendations are forwarded to the Arts Endowment Chairman.

The Chairman reviews the recommendations for grants in all funding categories and makes the final decision on all grant awards. Applicants are then notified of funding decisions.

After notification, applicants with questions may contact the Arts Endowment staff. Any applicant whose request has not been recommended may ask for an explanation of the basis for denial. In such instances, the Arts Endowment must be contacted no later than 30 calendar days after the official notification.

Applicants are welcome to attend meetings of the National Council on the Arts and open policy sessions of advisory panel meetings.

Apply for a Grant Grants