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Headlines & Press Releases


Friday, September 19, 2008

Headlines | Student cashes in savings after private loan falls through

Headlines | FDA may widen menu of ‘super foods’

Headlines | Treasury to guarantee money market funds

Headlines | Airlines could suffer with fewer fliers


Thursday, September 18, 2008

Headlines | Central banks move to restore confidence

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CA News & Special Reports

CA News Logo 2008 Summer Issue This issue of Consumer Action News focuses on credit cards, and includes the results of an online poll by Consumer Action which show that card issuers will lower your credit limit under some circumstances. Other stories include a run-down on our 2008 Credit Card Survey, rewards cards, credit cards from credit unions, foreign transaction fees and more. ( Tuesday, August 26, 2008 )

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Recent Publications

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Freeze Your Credit File

Library: English | Freeze Your Credit File Leave ID Thieves Out in the Cold  A credit file "security freeze" is a preventive tool to help you avoid identity theft and to block impostors from using your personal information to establish credit. This publication explains how to "freeze" your credit file, which prevents new credit from being established in your name until you temporarily or permanently lift the freeze. Filed Under: Privacy Rights Fraud/Scams Credit on Jun 04, 2008

Congele su expediente crediticio

Library: Spanish | Congele su expediente crediticio No permita el robo de identidad  El “congelamiento de seguridad” es una herramienta para ayudarle a prevenir el robo de identidad y evitar que impostores utilicen su información personal para establecer crédito. Esta publicación explica cómo “congelar” su crédito, lo cual previene que se establezca crédito nuevo a nombre suyo hasta que usted remueva el congelamiento por un tiempo o permanentemente. Filed Under: Privacy Rights Fraud/Scams Credit on Jun 04, 2008

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Servicio Telefónico California Lifeline - Manual de instrucción

Library: Spanish | Servicio Telefónico California Lifeline - Manual de instrucción  Universal Lifeline Telephone Service (ULTS), también conocido como California Lifeline, ofrece descuentos por servicio telefónico residencial básico para familias de bajos ingresos que califican. Este manual de instrucción fue desarrollado para ayudar a aquellos que califican a entender las características y beneficios del programa de servicio telefónico Lifeline, cómo solicitarlo, y cómo hacer si uno desea seguir participando. También hay disponibles folletos, una guía para el instructor, y una presentación en PowerPoint. Filed Under: Telephone Workshops/Trainings on Jun 01, 2008

Guía para el instructor de California Lifeline

Library: Spanish | Guía para el instructor de California Lifeline Preguntas y respuestas sobre el servicio telefónico con descuento Lifeline para californianos de bajos ingresos  El programa California Lifeline ayuda a personas de bajos ingresos e incapacitadas proveyéndoles descuentos en el servicio telefónico residencial. Esta guía en formato de preguntas y respuestas está diseñada para contestar preguntas frecuentes sobre el programa California Lifeline y sobre los cambios en los requisitos de calificación que se implementaron en el 2006. Filed Under: Telephone Workshops/Trainings on Jun 01, 2008

¡Conéctese a Lifeline y ahorre!

Library: Spanish | ¡Conéctese a Lifeline y ahorre! Lifeline servicio telefónico con descuento asiste a californianos de bajos ingresos  Universal Lifeline Telephone Service (ULTS), también conocido como California Lifeline, ofrece descuentos por servicio telefónico residencial básico para familias de bajos ingresos que califican. Los consumidores que califican para recibir California Lifeline pagan una fracción del costo normal de la conexión y del servicio mensual de teléfono local. Filed Under: Telephone on Jun 01, 2008

California Lifeline Leader’s Guide

Library: English | California Lifeline Leader’s Guide All About Discounted Phone Service  California Lifeline is a program that helps low-income and disabled individuals by providing discounts on residential phone service. This question-and-answer format guide is designed to answer frequently asked questions about California Lifeline and about changes to program eligibility requirements that took effect in 2006. Filed Under: Telephone on Jun 01, 2008

Connect to Lifeline and Save!

Library: English | Connect to Lifeline and Save! Discounted Lifeline Telephone Service Helps Low-Income Californians  Universal Lifeline Telephone Service (ULTS), also known as California Lifeline, provides discounts on basic residential telephone service to eligible low-income households. Consumers who qualify for California Lifeline pay a fraction of the regular cost for telephone connection and monthly local telephone service. This brochure explains the features and benefits of Lifeline phone service, how to apply for the program, and what you must do to continue participation. Companion pieces include a leader's guide, Lifeline Training Guide and PowerPoint slides. Filed Under: Telephone on Jun 01, 2008

California Lifeline - PowerPoint Training Slides

Library: English | California Lifeline - PowerPoint Training Slides  Universal Lifeline Telephone Service (ULTS), also known as California Lifeline, provides discounts on basic residential telephone service to eligible low-income households. These PowerPoint slides were developed to help trainers and advocates explain the features and benefits of Lifeline phone service, how to apply for the program, and what consumers must do to continue their participation. Companion pieces include a multilingual brochure, a leader's guide and a Lifeline Training Guide.The California Lifeline Powerpoint training file is available for download in the "Download File" section. Filed Under: Telephone Workshops/Trainings on Jun 01, 2008

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