About ASD

We are family members and friends of people with autism, and professionals who work in the autism field. 

Our Mission is to improve the lives of people with autism and their families. 

We will educate, advocate and raise public awareness in order to promote lifelong opportunity and acceptance for people with autism in their communities. 

We serve the entire State of Delaware.

The United Way of Delaware Designation Number 9234Southeastern PA Designation Number 12598.
ASD is a Non-Profit 501(c)(3) Organization

© 1998 - 2008 ASD
All Rights Reserved. This web site is a service provided by ASD.
Site last updated on: 09/10/08

Web space and hosting donated by JLK Consulting

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Announcements for September 2008  
ASD Office Move Updates
DE Legislative Task Force Report on Adults with Autism
Letter to the Delaware Congressional Delegation about Medicaid changes from ASD's Executive Director
Summer 2008 Newsletter
ASD Community Bulletin Board - Updated 07/25/08
Message from the ASD Board of Directors
Message from our new President - Rob Gilsdorf
ASD Bylaw Changes for 2008
Summer Recreational Resources
Media/Press Releases
POW&R -Services for Adults with Autism

To contact us by email:

Main: delautism@delautism.org

Theda Ellis - Executive Director

Cheryl Frampton - Project Manager/Parent Mentor

Heidi Mizell - Asperger's Resource Coordinator

Kim Siegel - Development Director

Margie Rowles - Office Manager: margie.rowles@delautism.org

Katina Demetriou - POW&R Director/Adult Services

We are working hard to get everything back up and running and appreciate your patience during this time of transition.

Thank you.

Pardon our Dust! This website will only be updated on our community bulletin board, the calendar, the home page and the newsletter. We are going to be redesigning the entire site soon.

We suggest that anyone who has not signed up to the ASD eGroup to do so. This will ensure you get all of the latest updates on social activities, meetings and other important announcements. The ASD eGroup is a notification system only. The only people who can post to the group are office staff, so you will not be loaded down with unwanted emails with long threads attached.

To join the group, simply contact Cheryl Frampton at cheryl.frampton@delautism.org.

We have phones!
Main line: (302) 224-6020
Fax Line: (302) 224-6017

924 Old Harmony Road
Suite 201
Newark, DE 19713