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Classification for Kingdom Plantae Down to Genus Bidens L.

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Up to the Kingdom
Kingdom  Plantae – Plants
Subkingdom  Tracheobionta – Vascular plants
Superdivision  Spermatophyta – Seed plants
Division  Magnoliophyta – Flowering plants
Class  Magnoliopsida – Dicotyledons
Subclass  Asteridae
Order  Asterales
Family  Asteraceae – Aster family
Genus  Bidens L. – beggarticks P
Contains 51 Species and 71 accepted taxa overall
Down one level
Species  Bidens alba (L.) DC. – romerillo P
Variety  Bidens alba (L.) DC. var. radiata (Sch. Bip.) Ballard ex T.E. Melchert – romerillo P
Species  Bidens amplectens Sherff – kokolau P
Species  Bidens amplissima Greene – Vancouver Island beggarticks P
Species  Bidens aristosa (Michx.) Britton – bearded beggarticks P
Species  Bidens asymmetrica (Levl.) Sherff – Koolau Range beggarticks P
Species  Bidens aurea (Aiton) Sherff – Arizona beggarticks P
Species  Bidens beckii Torr. ex Spreng. – Beck's water-marigold P
Species  Bidens bidentoides (Nutt.) Britton – Delmarva beggarticks P
Species  Bidens bigelovii A. Gray – Bigelow's beggarticks P
Variety  Bidens bigelovii A. Gray var. angustiloba (DC.) Ballard ex T.E. Melchert P
Variety  Bidens bigelovii A. Gray var. bigelovii – Bigelow's beggarticks P
Species  Bidens bipinnata L. – Spanish needles P
Species  Bidens campylotheca Sch. Bip. – viper beggarticks P
Subspecies  Bidens campylotheca Sch. Bip. ssp. campylotheca – viper beggarticks P
Subspecies  Bidens campylotheca Sch. Bip. ssp. pentamera (Sherff) Ganders & Nagata – viper beggarticks P
Subspecies  Bidens campylotheca Sch. Bip. ssp. waihoiensis H. St. John – Waihoi beggarticks P
Species  Bidens cernua L. – nodding beggartick P
Species  Bidens cervicata Sherff – Kauai beggarticks P
Species  Bidens conjuncta Sherff – bog beggarticks P
Species  Bidens connata Muhl. ex Willd. – purplestem beggarticks P
Species  Bidens coronata (L.) Britton – crowned beggarticks P
Species  Bidens cosmoides (A. Gray) Sherff – cosmosflower beggarticks P
Species  Bidens cuneata Sherff – wedge beggarticks P
Species  Bidens cynapiifolia Kunth – West Indian beggarticks P
Species  Bidens discoidea (Torr. & A. Gray) Britton – small beggarticks P
Species  Bidens eatonii Fernald – Eaton's beggarticks P
Species  Bidens ferulifolia (Jacq.) DC. – Apache beggarticks P
Species  Bidens forbesii Sherff – coastal bluff beggarticks P
Subspecies  Bidens forbesii Sherff ssp. forbesii – coastal bluff beggarticks P
Subspecies  Bidens forbesii Sherff ssp. kahiliensis Ganders & Nagata – Kahili beggarticks P
Species  Bidens frondosa L. – devil's beggartick P
Species  Bidens gardneri Baker – ridge beggartick P
Species  Bidens hawaiensis A. Gray – Hawai'i beggarticks P
Species  Bidens heterodoxa (Fernald) Fernald & H. St. John – Connecticut beggarticks P
Species  Bidens heterosperma A. Gray – Rocky Mountain beggarticks P
Species  Bidens hillebrandiana (Drake) O. Deg. – seacliff beggarticks P
Subspecies  Bidens hillebrandiana (Drake) O. Deg. ssp. hillebrandiana – seacliff beggarticks P
Subspecies  Bidens hillebrandiana (Drake) O. Deg. ssp. polycephala Nagata & Ganders – seacliff beggarticks P
Species  Bidens hyperborea Greene – estuary beggarticks P
Variety  Bidens hyperborea Greene var. hyperborea – estuary beggarticks P
Variety  Bidens hyperborea Greene var. svensonii Fassett – Svenson's beggarticks P
Species  Bidens laevis (L.) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb. – smooth beggartick P
Species  Bidens lemmonii A. Gray – Lemmon's beggarticks P
Species  Bidens leptocephala Sherff – fewflower beggarticks P
Species  Bidens macrocarpa (A. Gray) Sherff – largefruit beggarticks P
Species  Bidens mauiensis (A. Gray) Sherff – Maui beggarticks P
Species  Bidens menziesii (A. Gray) Sherff – Mauna Loa beggarticks P
Subspecies  Bidens menziesii (A. Gray) Sherff ssp. filiformis (Sherff) Ganders & Nagata – Mauna Loa beggarticks P
Subspecies  Bidens menziesii (A. Gray) Sherff ssp. menziesii – Mauna Loa beggarticks P
Species  Bidens micrantha Gaudich. – grassland beggarticks P
Subspecies  Bidens micrantha Gaudich. ssp. ctenophylla (Sherff) Nagata & Ganders – grassland beggarticks P
Subspecies  Bidens micrantha Gaudich. ssp. kalealaha Nagata & Ganders – Kalealaha beggarticks P
Subspecies  Bidens micrantha Gaudich. ssp. micrantha – grassland beggarticks P
Species  Bidens mitis (Michx.) Sherff – smallfruit beggarticks P
Species  Bidens molokaiensis (Hillebr.) Sherff – Molokai beggarticks P
Species  Bidens ×multiceps Fassett P
Species  Bidens pilosa L. – hairy beggarticks P
Species  Bidens populifolia Sherff – Oahu beggarticks P
Species  Bidens reptans (L.) G. Don – manzanilla trepador P
Variety  Bidens reptans (L.) G. Don var. reptans – manzanilla trepador P
Variety  Bidens reptans (L.) G. Don var. urbanii (Greenm.) O.E. Schulz – Urban's beggartick P
Species  Bidens sandvicensis Less. – shrubland beggarticks P
Subspecies  Bidens sandvicensis Less. ssp. confusa Nagata & Ganders – shrubland beggarticks P
Subspecies  Bidens sandvicensis Less. ssp. sandvicensis – shrubland beggarticks P
Species  Bidens squarrosa Kunth [excluded] P
Species  Bidens tenuisecta A. Gray – slimlobe beggarticks P
Species  Bidens torta Sherff – corkscrew beggarticks P
Species  Bidens tripartita L. – threelobe beggarticks P
Species  Bidens valida Sherff – Mt. Kahili beggarticks P
Species  Bidens vulgata Greene – big devils beggartick P
Species  Bidens wiebkei Sherff – Wiebke's beggarticks P

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