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United Way of Eastern New Mexico
Help Starts Here!
Dial 2-1-1 to find the organizations that you need.


United Way 2-1-1~Help Starts Here

United Way 2-1-1 is a non-emergency phone number that helps people locate the health and human services they need in Curry and Roosevelt counties. United Way 2-1-1 infoline is answered from 8am to 4:30pm Monday through Friday. Outside business hours, callers can leave a message and we will return calls the next business day. There is no fee for this confidential service.

United Way 2-1-1 seeks to inform and empower those looking for help, whether for themselves, their clients or families.


Callers who wish to volunteer or donate will be connected with the organizations that are the best fit for them.


In Curry & Roosevelt Counties all residents are now able to dial only three digits (2-1-1) and connect with this service from any landline. On moblie phones the number to dial is 575-935-0211. The 2-1-1 Resource Directory is also available online.


Helping organizations, churches and government agencies are encouraged to use 2-1-1's database and service when referring their clients. In order for the 2-1-1's data to remain accurate, organizations are also encouraed to use the form below or call in any changes or corrections. Just dial 2-1-1.




United Way 2-1-1 strives to offer the best customer service and the most comprehensive database of helping organizations, as well as be prepared to play a expanded role when a disaster strikes locally. Volunteers are vital in the success of 2-1-1, click here if you want to help 2-1-1 meet the needs of Curry and Roosevelt counties.

2-1-1 Additions and Corrections

All information will be verified before additions or corrections are made to the online database.

Type of Change

Addition Correction

Organization Name*

Phone number*

Address with City, State Zip*

Organization Contact*

Email Address for 2-1-1 Staff use only*

Person making these changes

Program Listings

If your organization offers multiple services or "Programs, please list them separately. 2-1-1 Staff will call to define service categories.

Program 1

Program 1 Brief Description

Program 2

Program 2 Brief Description

Program 3

Program 3 Brief Description

Program 4

Program 4 Brief Description

Other: Comments or Instructions

My field