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  Media Alerts Archive
Media Alerts are press releases from different institutions, that either address climate research, or are NASA-funded.

Rapid Temperature Increases above the Antarctic
March 30 — A new analysis of weather balloon observations from the last 30 years reveals that the Antarctic has the same 'global warming' signature as that seen across the whole Earth, but is three times larger than that observed globally. (British Antarctic Survey press release) More

Better Estimates for Future Extreme Precipitation in Europe
March 29 — Researchers in Switzerland report that extreme rains in Europe may grow stronger and more frequent in the near future and have significant effects on the region's infrastructure and natural systems. (American Geophysical Union press release) More

Envisat Making First Direct Measurements of Ocean Surface Velocities
March 27 — Satellite radar has begun to enable direct measurements of the speed of the moving ocean surface. (European Space Agency press release) More

Rivers Indicate Earlier Snowmelt in Eastern North America
March 24 — Scientists have found evidence in eastern North America that the snow is melting and running off into rivers earlier than it did in the first half of the 20th century. (USGS press release) More

Scientists Detect Seasonal Pattern to Glacial Earthquakes in Greenland, See Signs of Increase
March 23 — Seismologists have found a new indicator that the Earth is warming: "glacial earthquakes" caused when the rivers of ice lurch unexpectedly and produce temblors. (The Earth Institute at Columbia University press release) More

Arctic, Antarctic Melting May Raise Sea Levels Faster than Expected
March 23 — Ice sheets across both the Arctic and Antarctic could melt more quickly than expected this century, according to two studies that blend computer modeling with paleoclimate records. (National Center for Atmospheric Research press release) More

Changes in Agricultural Practices Could Help Slow Global Warming
March 23 — A new study finds farmers who plant more crops, increase irrigation coverage, and till the land less can have a profound effect on climate. (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory press release) More

Salt and Dust Help Unravel Past Climate Change
March 22 — Tiny amounts of salt and dust trapped in the Antarctic ice sheet for the last 740,000 years are shedding new light on changes to the Earth's climate. (British Antarctic Survey press release) More

Climate Change and the Rise of Atmospheric Oxygen
March 22 — Today's climate change pales in comparison with what happened as Earth gave birth to its oxygen-containing atmosphere billions of years ago, new research shows. (Carnegie Institution press release) More

Amazon Rainforest Greens Up in the Dry Season
March 21 — The Amazon rainforest puts on its biggest growth spurt during the dry season, according to new research. (University of Arizona press release) More

Scientists Use Satellites to Detect Deep-Ocean Whirlpools
March 20 — Using sensor data from several satellites, researchers have developed a method to detect super-salty, submerged eddies that are part of the ocean's complex circulatory system, driving the currents that moderate Earth's climate. (University of Delaware press release) More

Unique Weather Radar to Investigate Snowfall
March 17 — A state-of-the-art weather radar will for the first time focus on snowfall and its polarimetric measurements. (University of Helsinki press release) More

Through a Satellite Darkly: Night Views of European Seas Improve ESA Ocean Heat
March 17 — The Mediterranean looks better in the dark--at least in the view of a new effort to use satellites to take the daily temperature of Europe's seas. (European Space Agency press release) More

Research Re-Examines Strong Hurricane Studies
March 16 — Researchers have released a study supporting the findings of several recent studies linking an increase in the strength of hurricanes around the world to a global increase in sea surface temperature. (Georgia Institute of Technology press release) More

Century of Data Shows Intensification of Water Cycle but No Increase in Storms or Floods
March 15 — A review of the findings from more than 100 peer-reviewed studies shows that although many aspects of the global water cycle have intensified, this trend has not consistently resulted in an increase in the frequency or intensity of tropical storms or floods over the past century. (United States Geological Survey press release) More

Study Offers Preview of Ice Sheet Melting, Rapid Climate Changes
March 14 — The retreat of a massive ice sheet that once covered much of northern Europe has been described for the first time, and researchers believe it may provide a sneak preview of how present-day ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica will act in the face of global warming. (The Earth Institute at Columbia University press release) More

New Technique Provides the First Full View of the Far Side of the Sun
March 13 — The hidden face of the sun is fully visible for the first time, thanks to a new technique. (Stanford University press release) More

Bering Sea Ecosystem Responding to Changes in Arctic Climate
March 9 — Physical changes including rising air and seawater temperatures and decreasing seasonal ice cover appear to be the cause of a series of biological changes in the northern Bering Sea ecosystem, a new study finds. (National Science Foundation press release) More

Study Previews Ice Sheet Melting, Rapid Climate Change
March 9 — The behavior of a massive ice sheet that existed in northern Europe at the end of the last Ice Age has been outlined for the first time, and researchers believe it may provide a sneak preview of how major ice sheets will act in the face of global warming. (Oregon State University press release) More

Will Climate Change Increase or Reduce Carbon Locked in the Soil?
March 8 — A review paper by a Woods Hole scientist looks at the debate over the effects of climate change on global soil carbon stocks. (Woods Hole Research Center press release) More

Hurricanes, Other Vortices Seize Energy via 'Hostile Takeovers'
March 6 — Researchers have concluded that large fluid vortices within hurricanes raid their smaller neighbors in an energy grab. (Johns Hopkins University press release) More

Envisat Altimeter Watches Pacific for Cold Tongue of La Nina
March 3 — Satellite measurements of a steep difference in sea surface height between the western and eastern tropical Pacific support predictions that a La Nina event is in the offing. (European Space Agency press release) More

Study of 2004 Tsunami Disaster Forces Rethinking of Theory of Massive Earthquakes
March 1 — New research suggests that previous ideas about where large earthquakes are likely to occur need to be revised. (Scripps Institution of Oceanography press release) More

Advanced Aircraft to Probe Hazardous Atmospheric Whirlwinds
March 1 — The nation's newest and most advanced research aircraft takes off this month to study a severe type of atmospheric turbulence that forms over mountains and endangers airplanes. (National Center for Atmospheric Research press release) More

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