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This page last updated:9/20/2008

Due to fiscal year-end closeout, MMS will disable all credit card transactions from 5:00 p.m., Friday, September 26, 2008; to 10:00 a.m. Wednesday, October 1, 2008.

Shopping Cart / Log In / Help

Current User: None

Login Page

Why do customers have to login? The reason for the login page is so that a customer's shipping information and previous orders are kept in history and username/password protected. The customer can only view and edit their own shipping information based on their login.

Educational Discount

Certain educational institutions, students, and federal agencies may receive a discount on some items in the PI Ordering System. To obtain your discount passcode please fill out the required application with all information. You may be contacted by a member of Public Information for further proof before your application is processed. Once processed you will receive a passcode to enter prior to checkout which will apply the discount.

PI Inventory Query

The PI Inventory Query Page is where a customer can choose items by querying the inventory database for a subset of all the items sold by Public Information. This subset can be restricted by the Product Number, Title, Description, Type, Cost, or a combination of any of these. The results will be displayed in a table where the customer can choose to add specific items to their shipping cart for purchase.

Session Timeout

Each customer that visits the PI Ordering System is issued a session. This session records the state of each customer as he/she moves from one web page to the next. If a customer is inactive for 40 minutes, he/she will lose her state information. What is his/her state information? A customer's state information includes his/her shopping cart contents, his/her login information, and his/her query results from both the PI Inventory Query.

Credit Card Form

Once you decide to purchase the items in your shopping cart you will be asked to submit shipping and billing information. Upon submission the information will be displayed for you to preview. If all information is correct, hitting the submit button will take you to the credit card information form. If this form does not display it is most likely due to the fact that your browser does not support 128-bit encryption. Please upgrade your browser to its most recent version. Once your credit card is processed your order is automatically entered and an email is sent to you with your order information.

Click your Browser's Back button to return to the previous page.

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