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Yolo Co. (CA) 2009-2013

Species Info

Species Information

currently sorted by: alpha code

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Species Alpha Code* Safe date start** Safe date end Habitat
  Acorn Woodpecker  ACWO / /  
  Green-winged Teal  AGWT / /  
  American Avocet  AMAV / /  
  American Bittern  AMBI / /  
  American Coot  AMCO / /  
  American Crow  AMCR / /  
  American Goldfinch  AMGO / /  
  American Kestrel  AMKE / /  
  American Robin  AMRO / /  
  Anna's Hummingbird  ANHU / /  
  Ash-throated Flycatcher  ATFL / /  
  American White Pelican  AWPE / /  
  Barn Owl  BANO / /  
  Bank Swallow  BANS / /  
  Barn Swallow  BARS / /  
  Black-chinned Hummingbird  BCHU / /  
  Black-crowned Night-Heron  BCNH / /  
  Belted Kingfisher  BEKI / /  
  Bewick's Wren  BEWR / /  
  Blue-gray Gnatcatcher  BGGN / /  
  Brown-headed Cowbird  BHCO / /  
  Black-headed Grosbeak  BHGR / /  
  Blue Grosbeak  BLGR / /  
  Black Phoebe  BLPH / /  
  Black Tern  BLTE / /  
  Black-necked Stilt  BNST / /  
  Brewer's Blackbird  BRBL / /  
  Black-throated Gray Warbler  BTYW / /  
  Bullock's Oriole  BUOR / /  
  Burrowing Owl  BUOW / /  
  Bushtit  BUSH / /  
  Blue-winged Teal  BWTE / /  
  Cattle Egret  CAEG / /  
  California Gull  CAGU / /  
  California Towhee  CALT / /  
  Canada Goose  CANG / /  
  Canvasback  CANV / /  
  Canyon Wren  CANW / /  
  California Quail  CAQU / /  
  California Thrasher  CATH / /  
  Cinnamon Teal  CITE / /  
  Clark's Grebe  CLGR / /  
  Cliff Swallow  CLSW / /  
  Cooper's Hawk  COHA / /  
  Common Merganser  COME / /  
  Common Moorhen  COMO / /  
  Common Poorwill  COPO / /  
  Common Raven  CORA / /  
  Common Yellowthroat  COYE / /  
  Double-crested Cormorant  DCCO / /  
  Downy Woodpecker  DOWO / /  
  European Starling  EUST / /  
  Gadwall  GADW / /  
  Great Blue Heron  GBHE / /  
  Great Horned Owl  GHOW / /  
  Golden Eagle  GOEA / /  
  Great Egret  GREG / /  
  Green Heron  GRHE / /  
  Grasshopper Sparrow  GRSP / /  
  Great-tailed Grackle  GTGR / /  
  Hairy Woodpecker  HAWO / /  
  House Finch  HOFI / /  
  Horned Grebe  HOGR / /  
  Horned Lark  HOLA / /  
  Hooded Oriole  HOOR / /  
  House Sparrow  HOSP / /  
  House Wren  HOWR / /  
  Hutton's Vireo  HUVI / /  
  Killdeer  KILL / /  
  Lazuli Bunting  LAZB / /  
  Least Bittern  LEBI / /  
  Lesser Goldfinch  LEGO / /  
  Lesser Nighthawk  LENI / /  
  Long-eared Owl  LEOW / /  
  Loggerhead Shrike  LOSH / /  
  Mallard  MALL / /  
  Marsh Wren  MAWR / /  
  Mourning Dove  MODO / /  
  Mountain Quail  MOUQ / /  
  Northern Harrier  NOHA / /  
  Northern Mockingbird  NOMO / /  
  Northern Pintail  NOPI / /  
  Northern Pygmy-Owl  NOPO / /  
  Northern Rough-winged Swallow  NRWS / /  
  Northern Shoveler  NSHO / /  
  Nuttall's Woodpecker  NUWO / /  
  Oak Titmouse  OATI / /  
  Orange-crowned Warbler  OCWA / /  
  Oregon Junco  ORJU / /  
  Osprey  OSPR / /  
  Pied-billed Grebe  PBGR / /  
  Peregrine Falcon  PEFA / /  
  Phainopepla  PHAI / /  
  Pileated Woodpecker  PIWO / /  
  Prairie Falcon  PRFA / /  
  Pacific-slope Flycatcher  PSFL / /  
  Purple Martin  PUMA / /  
  Rufous-crowned Sparrow  RCSP / /  
  Redhead  REDH / /  
  Ring-necked Pheasant  RNEP / /  
  Rock Pigeon  ROPI / /  
  Rock Wren  ROWR / /  
  Red-shafted Flicker  RSFL / /  
  Red-shouldered Hawk  RSHA / /  
  Red-tailed Hawk  RTHA / /  
  Ruddy Duck  RUDU / /  
  Red-winged Blackbird  RWBL / /  
  Sage Sparrow  SAGS / /  
  Savannah Sparrow  SAVS / /  
  Short-eared Owl  SEOW / /  
  Snowy Egret  SNEG / /  
  Snowy Plover  SNPL / /  
  Sora  SORA / /  
  Song Sparrow  SOSP / /  
  Spotted Sandpiper  SPSA / /  
  Spotted Towhee  SPTO / /  
  Swainson's Hawk  SWHA / /  
  Tricolored Blackbird  TRBL / /  
  Tree Swallow  TRES / /  
  Turkey Vulture  TUVU / /  
  Virginia Rail  VIRA / /  
  White-breasted Nuthatch  WBNU / /  
  Western Bluebird  WEBL / /  
  Western Kingbird  WEKI / /  
  Western Meadowlark  WEME / /  
  Western Scrub-Jay  WESJ / /  
  Western Screech-Owl  WESO / /  
  Western Wood-Pewee  WEWP / /  
  White-faced Ibis  WFIB / /  
  Wilson's Phalarope  WIPH / /  
  Wild Turkey  WITU / /  
  Wood Duck  WODU / /  
  Wrentit  WREN / /  
  White-tailed Kite  WTKI / /  
  White-throated Swift  WTSW / /  
  Yellow-breasted Chat  YBCH / /  
  Yellow-billed Magpie  YBMA / /  
  Yellow-headed Blackbird  YHBL / /  
  Yellow Warbler  YWAR / /  
* Alpha Codes are also known as 'banding codes' (not AOU codes, which are numeric)
** Safe dates represent a window when a singing male is assumed not to be in migration, and therefore on territory. Some atlases do not use safe dates, because they prefer (given present knowledge) not to assume migration or territorial status of all individuals. Safe dates generally apply to the Possible breeding category only when used.
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U.S. Department of the Interior || U.S. Geological Survey || Patuxent Wildlife Research Center  Laurel, MD, USA 20708-4038
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Last updated: Tools - February 2008; Content - various, depending on atlas.
Page generated on: 24-Sep-2008