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Topic: Home > Executive Acts > Declaration

Declares existence of a state of affairs warranting particular government action.

Statement by the Press Secretary
The President declared a major disaster exists in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. - 19.0KB
11 Dec 02
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Statement by the Press Secretary
The President declares a major disaster exists in the State of Alabama and orders Federal aid to supplement state and local recovery .. - 19.0KB
09 Oct 02
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Joint Resolution to Authorize the Use of United States Armed Forces Against Iraq
President Bush and House Leaders agreed on a resolution to authorize force against Iraq. The President .. 2002/10/20021002-2.html - 30.4KB
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Statement by the Press Secretary
The President declared a major disaster exists in the State of Louisiana. - 19.7KB
27 Sep 02
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Statement by the Press Secretary
The President declared a major disaster exists in the State of Wisconsin. - 19.0KB
19 Jul 02
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Statement by the Press Secretary
The President declared a major disaster exists in the State of Vermont. 2002/07/20020712-10.html - 19.3KB
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Statement by the Press Secretary
The President declares a major disaster exists in the State of Illinois. - 19.6KB
21 May 02
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Statement by the Press Secretary
The President declared a major disaster exists in the State of New York. 2002/05/20020516-6.html - 19.3KB

Statement by the Press Secretary
The President declared a major disaster exists in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. 2002/05/20020507-14.html - 19.4KB

Statement by the Press Secretary
The President declares a major disaster exists in the State of Michigan. 2002/05/20020506-9.html - 19.0KB
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Statement by the Press Secretary
The President declares a major disaster exists in the Commonwealth of Kentucky - 19.9KB
04 Apr 02
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Statement by the Press Secretary
The President declares a major disaster exists in the Commonwealth of Virginia 2002/04/20020403-2.html - 19.5KB
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Statement by the Press Secretary
The President declares a major disaster exists in the State of Missouri. - 20.0KB
07 Feb 02
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Statement by the Press Secretary
The President declared a major disaster exists in the State of Kansas. 2002/02/20020207-8.html - 20.0KB
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Presidential Christmas Message
Statement on Presidential Christmas message. - 19.6KB
20 Dec 01
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Statement on Federal Emergency Assistance for Texas
Issues Budget Management Education Energy Health Care Homeland Security Hurricanes Immigration Jobs & Economy .. - 19.2KB
02 Sep 05
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Statement on Federal Emergency Assistance for Arkansas
Issues Budget Management Education Energy Health Care Homeland Security Hurricanes Immigration Jobs & Economy .. 2005/09/20050902-3.html - 19.2KB
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Statement on Federal Disaster Assistance for Louisiana
Issues Budget Management Education Energy Health Care Homeland Security Hurricanes Immigration Jobs & Economy .. - 21.1KB
29 Aug 05
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Statement on Federal Disaster Assistance for Mississippi
Issues Budget Management Education Energy Health Care Homeland Security Hurricanes Immigration Jobs & Economy .. 2005/08/20050829-4.html - 20.5KB

Statement on Federal Disaster Assistance for Alabama
Issues Budget Management Education Energy Health Care Homeland Security Hurricanes Immigration Jobs & Economy .. 2005/08/20050829-12.html - 20.0KB

Statement on Federal Emergency Assistance for Mississippi
Issues Budget Management Education Energy Health Care Homeland Security Hurricanes Immigration Jobs & Economy Medicare ... 2005/08/20050828.html - 19.3KB
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