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Russian Judges Scheduled to Meet with U.S. Supreme Court Justices

On March 30 - 31, 2005 U.S. Supreme Court Justices O’Connor, Ginsburg, and Kennedy hosted a delegation of high-ranking Russian judges in Washington, DC for a briefing on the status of rule of law in Russia.

The Russian judges traveled to Washington, DC to meet with American judges who have been active in USAID/Russia’s judicial reform programs. The trip was sponsored by the Library of Congress’ Open World program and included distinguished participants such as Russia’s Chief Justice Vyacheslav Lebedev, Chairman of the Council of Judges Justice Yuriy Sidorenko, and Chief Judge of the Rostov Oblast Court Viktor Tkachev.

Russian and American Judges
Russian and American Judges involved in USAID/Russia’s judicial reform programs participate in a DVC

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Mon, 19 Dec 2005 15:05:28 -0500