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Study of the earth's landforms, topography, and climate, the distribution of flora and fauna, and the distribution, culture, and activities of human populations.
Cartography (73 items)
Paleogeography (1 items)
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An image map of the Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata [New Window]
Graphical representation of the Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata Version 2 - 1998 (FGDC-STD-001 June 1998) to permit easier location of relevant information while writing metadata.
PDF Analyzing land use change in urban environments [New Window]
Describes the USGS Urban Dynamics Research Program that studies landscape changes resulting from the growth of metropolitan regions over time.
Arbuckle - Simpson GIS Layers (Oklahoma) [New Window]
Digital data sets describing the Arbuckle Simpson aquifer and surrounding areas in Carter, Coal, Johnston, Murray, and Ponotoc Counties in Oklahoma. The data are in shapefile format to create maps for many uses.
Assessing the impact of urban sprawl on soil resources in the United States using nighttime "city lights" satellite images and digital soils maps [New Window]
Paper from Land Use History of North America giving results of a study to estimate the extent of developed land in the United States and the impact of development on soil resources.
Availability of USGS geospatial data and aerial photography products [New Window]
Website to search and locate United States digital cartographic data (U.S. GeoData and Digital Raster Graphics) and aerial photography of the National Aerial Photography Program (NAPP). Files can be downloaded in HTML or PDF format.
Central Region [New Window]
Entry to USGS Central Region programs with links to Biological Resources, Geology, National Mapping, Water Resources, Office of Central Region Services, emergency information, and records of a Rockies field trip, and clickable map to state programs.
Central Region Group publications [New Window]
Lists of USGS Central Region publications and maps and information on availability with links to PDF format documents.
City of Flagstaff Project: ground water resource evaluation, remote sensing component [New Window]
Flagstaff atlas webpages including digital elevation model images, Landsat Thematic Mapper images, SPOT panchromatic stereo images, and digital photos of Flagstaff. Includes link to the original Open File Report OF-96-739.
Coastal and Marine Geology Program interactive map server [New Window]
Interactive map server to view and create maps using available coastal and marine geology data sets of offshore and coastal U.S. and the Gulf of Mexico. Links to available data and metadata that can be downloaded.
Costly landslide events in the United States: map layer description file [New Window]
GIS data set from the USGS National Landslides Hazards Program showing major landslide events in the United States and Puerto Rico with metadata. Map layer can be downloaded in shapefile format or SDTS format.
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