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United States Institute of PeacePeaceWatch

Inside June 2003
Vol. IX, No. 4

Fifty Years of Partnership: The U.S.—ROK Alliance

Major Initiative in South Asia

Pakistani President Musharraf

Sudan's Endgame for Peace

Web Redesign Launched

Iraq Moving Forward

Senior Fellows Report

Institute People

Short Takes

About Peace Watch

PDF Also Available

June 2003
Vol. IX, No. 4

About Peace Watch

Peace Watch (ISSN 1080-9864) is published six times a year by the United States Institute of Peace, an independent, nonpartisan federal institution created by Congress to promote the prevention, management, and peaceful resolution of international conflicts. The views expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the views of the Institute or its Board of Directors.

To receive the print edition of Peace Watch, please join our mailing list or write to:

United States Institute of Peace
1200 17th Street, Suite 200
Washington, DC 20036

President: Richard H. Solomon
Executive Vice President: Harriet Hentges
Publications Director: Dan Snodderly
Editor: Renee Storteboom
Production Manager: Marie Marr
Web Developer: Amy Bucci
Web Editor: Burt Edwards

Photo Credits
Bill Fitz-Patrick, Staff, AP/Wide World

Board of Directors
Chairman: Chester A. Crocker. Vice Chairman: Seymour Martin Lipset. Members: Betty F. Bumpers, Holly J. Burkhalter, Marc E. Leland, Mora L. McLean, María Otero, Barbara W. Snelling, Harriet Zimmerman. Members ex officio: Lorne W. Craner, Department of State; Paul G. Gaffney II, National Defense University; Douglas J. Feith, Department of Defense; Richard H. Solomon, Institute president (nonvoting).

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