Nash-Rocky Mount Public Schools

Nash-Rocky Mount Public Schools is located in Nashville, North Carolina. We have 29 schools serving more than 18,000 students. We are an ENERGY STAR Partner.

Take the ENERGY STAR Pledge

Change the World, Start with ENERGY STAR:

2008-2009 Goal: 519,800 lbs.
Current Total: 966,144 lbs.
% to Goal: 186%

Questions about your Goal?

If you have questions about setting or changing your goal, please email

Cumulative Savings

Greenhouse Gas Emissions (lbs.) 966,144
Dollars $76,391
kWh 516,178
BTUs 1,474,955,993

Past Success:

The Change a Light Campaign

Cumulative Total Pledge [2006 – 2008]
# of Pledges 313
# of Bulbs 2,371
Energy Savings 668,622 kWh
Cost Savings $62,182
*Greenhouse Gas 969,739 lbs.

* pounds of emissions prevented