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Indiana 2005-2010


General Methods
Sampling & coverage of blocks

Each block consists of 1/6 of a USGS 7.5 minute topographic quad. The center-west (CW) block from each quad is designated as the priority block targeted for atlasing. Data from incidental sightings in non-priority blocks will also be included.

View blocks in Mapping Tool. >>

Coordination of coverage
This project being managed with the help of county coordinators. See the List of Coordinators on the project site.

Breeding Evidence Codes
Code Code description  (see handbook for full description & use suggestions)
OB Category - Observed: not breeding evidence
O Species (male or female) observed during its breeding season, but not believed to be breeding in the block. Not in suitable nesting habitat.
PO Category - possible breeding evidence
X Species (male or female) observed in suitable nesting habitat during its breeding season.
S Singing male present in suitable nesting habitat during its breeding season.
PR Category - probable breeding evidence
M 7 or more singing males of a species observed during a single visit during their breeding season.
P Pair observed in suitable nesting habitat during its breeding season.
T Permanent territory presumed through either defense (e.g. chasing of other birds) or song at same location on at least 2 occasions 7 days or more apart.
C Courtship behavior or copulation.
N Visiting probable nest site.
A Agitated behavior or anxiety calls from adult.
B Nest building by wrens or excavation of holes by woodpeckers.
CO Category - confirmed evidence of breeding
NB Nest building by any species except wrens and woodpeckers.
DD Distraction display or injury feigning.
PE Physiological evidence of breeding, e.g. highly vascularized, edematous brood patch or egg in oviduct based on bird in hand. (For banders.)
UN Used nests or egg shells found. Must be carefully identified, if they are to be accepted.
FY Adult(s) with food for young, either carrying food or feeding young.
FL Recently fledged young (either precocial or altricial) incapable of sustained flight, restricted to natal area by dependence on adults or limited mobility.
ON Adults entering or leaving a nest site in circumstances indicating occupied nest. To be used for nests which are too high (e.g. the tops of trees) or enclosed (e.g. chimneys) for the contents to be seen.
FS Adult carrying fecal sac.
NE Nest with egg(s).
NY Nest with young seen or heard.
Habitat Codes
- - this atlas does not record habitat on the field card - -

Where this information came from
Most of the information on this page is from the project's publication or Handbook (guide for field work). For this project, the Handbook is also available online here .
U.S. Department of the Interior || U.S. Geological Survey || Patuxent Wildlife Research Center  Laurel, MD, USA 20708-4038
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Information contained in this application does not necessarily have the endorsement of USGS.

Last updated: Tools - February 2008; Content - various, depending on atlas.
Page generated on: 22-Sep-2008