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NOTE: As of March 2, 2008, assistance for Kazakhstan
has moved
to the newly created Asia Bureau.

gif image - Kazakhstan country map

Websites for Kazakhstan and the Central Asia Region

CAR Mission Website:

Kazakhstan in Action

Senior officials from the Ministry of Economic Development visited their Kazakh counterparts to learn from their economic management experienceAzerbaijan, Kazakhstan Share Economic Management Experience

In October 2007, USAID’s Public Investment Policy (PIP) Project facilitated an educational study tour for a group of six high-level officials from Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Economic Development (MOED) to Astana, Kazakhstan... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Democracy

More than 6,000 Kazakhstanians took accounting qualification exams in November, generating $1.9 million in feesExam Revenues Now Sustain Central Asian Accounting Certification Body

A USAID-supported regional accounting certification body generated $1.9 million in revenues from exams in Kazakhstan in November 2007, covering examination costs not only in Kazakhstan but for all of Central Asia... Read More ...

Related Items: Kazakhstan, Education

USAID works with numerous maternity  hospitals across Kazakhstan  to introduce evidence-based medicine as a means of improving health outcomes  for mothers and their babiesLearning a More Mother- and Child-Friendly Approach to Birth

Nearly 16,000 pregnant women and their partners have received birth preparedness lessons through USAID-supported pilot projects across the Kazkhstan... Read More ...

Related Items: Kazakhstan, Health

USAID-funded Junior Achievement programs acquaint Kazakhstani youth with the basics of economics and entrepreneurshipThousands of Kazakhstani Students Learn Economics from JA

During the 2006-2007 academic year, over 200,000 school students in Kazakhstan studied economics and entrepreneurship through USAID-supported Junior Achievement (JA) programs... Read More ...

Related Items: Kazakhstan, Education

Pharmacies are among the thousands of businesses that will benefit from the changes in the 'Law On Government Procurements'Reforms Save Kazakhstani Business More than $130M

Changes in Kazakhstan’s “Law On Government Procurement,” introduced with assistance from the USAID Business Environment Improvement Project (BEI), will produce millions of dollars in savings for local businesses... Read More ...

Related Items: Kazakhstan, Business Development

Ten Kazakhstani medical specialists upon return from their study tour, with USAID and Community Connections staffSpecialists Study Infection Control, Blood Safety on U.S. Study Tour

Ten specialists from health facilities in Southern Kazakhstan Oblast and the Ministry of Health participated in an “Infection Control and Blood Safety” study tour in the U.S. from August 1-21, 2007... Read More ...

Related Items: Kazakhstan, Health

As a part of its assistance to the Government of Kyrgyzstan, USAID implemented several electricity loss reduction demonstration projectsElectricity Loss Reduction Addressed at a Regional Forum

In June 2006, the Regional Markets Assistance Program for Central Asia (REMAP) organized the Regional Electricity Loss Reduction Forum in cooperation with the Government of Kyrgyzstan... Read More ...

Related Items: Kyrgyzstan, Energy

USAID helped train Kazakhstan's veterinarian specialists in diagnostics of infection among domestic fowlAvian Influenza Information Disseminated to Specialists, Households Alike

Over 600 veterinary inspectors and laboratory directors from each of Kazakhstan’s 14 oblasts have been trained through a USAID-led initiative in avian influenza surveillance, biosecurity, and rapid reporting... Read More ...

Related Items: Kazakhstan, Health

Senate staff met with volunteers and visitors of the USAID-supported Youth Power CenterU.S. Senate Staff Observes USAID Efforts in Kazakhstan

In May 2007, staff from the office of U.S. Senator Richard Lugar traveled to Kazakhstan to meet with several USAID project implementers and USAID-supported NGOs as part of a worldwide study examining the implementation ... Read More ...

Related Items: Kazakhstan

USAID's project supported the participation of Kazakhstani representatives at GEM pre-survey briefings in LondonKazakhstan Participates in the First GEM Study in Central Asia

This year Kazakhstan joins over 40 middle- and high-income countries worldwide as a site of the prestigious Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) survey of entrepreneurial activity... Read More ...

Related Items: Kazakhstan, Business Development

The competitiveness conference was opened by Prime Minister Karim MassimovGov’t, Business Leaders Seek to Improve Kazakhstan’s Competitiveness

In April 2007, USAID’s Regional Competitiveness Initiative and its Kazakhstan Small Business Development Project jointly organized an Economic Growth and Competitiveness Forum to generate discussion among government and business representatives... Read More ...

Related Items: Kazakhstan, Business Development

Improved relationships between the media and the judiciary will ensure more accurate and balanced reportingNew Institution to Improve Court-Media Relations in Kazakhstan

The USAID Kazakhstan Judicial Assistance Project recently helped to create the “Bench-Media Forum of Kazakhstan” to facilitate continued dialogue between the members of the judiciary and the media... Read More ...

Related Items: Kazakhstan, Democracy

A public education campaign on the judiciary was launched at a press conference in AlmatyNational Campaign Informs Kazakhstani Citizens about their Rights

In April 2007, USAID’s Kazakhstan Judicial Assistance Project launched the “Know Your Courts, Know Your Rights” national public education campaign... Read More ...

Related Items: Kazakhstan, Rule of Law

USAID sponsors avian flu preparedness trainings for Kazakhstan's veterinariansUSAID Assists Avian Flu Preparedness in Kazakhstan

USAID, with the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Winrock International, continues to support the Government of Kazakhstan in pursuing avian influenza preparedness efforts... Read More ...

Related Items: Kazakhstan, Health

More than 500 organizations will benefit from the elimination of unnecessary certificationKazakhstan Simplifies Travel Service Certification

The Kazakhstan Tourism Association, with support from two USAID projects, persuaded the lawmakers to cancel the mandatory certification of services related to booking and selling tickets for passenger and cargo air transportation... Read More ...

Related Items: Kazakhstan, Business Development

The Customer Satisfaction Surveys gather user opinions and comments on court servicesSurvey Gives Kazakhstanis a Voice in Their Courts

In February, Court Customer Satisfaction Surveys were placed in four courts in Kazakhstan: two oblast courts and two rayon courts. The surveys are part of a pilot project implemented by the USAID Kazakhstan Judicial Assistance Project... Read More ...

Related Items: Kazakhstan, Rule of Law

More than 2,000 Kazakhstani women have learned key steps they can take to keep their babies healthy and safeUSAID/ExxonMobil Kazakhstan Open Third Birth Preparedness School

On March 2, USAID and ExxonMobil Kazakhstan, Inc. celebrated the official opening of three Birth Preparedness Schools and announced a fourth Global Development Alliance (GDA) project to be carried out... Read More ...

Related Items: Kazakhstan, Health

Judge Inessa Kuanova mentors her new colleagues in the North-Kazakhstan OblastJudicial Mentorship Program Expands in Kazakhstan

The mentoring of new judges by a senior colleague is a proven, useful means of continuing education for members of the judiciary. Over the past year, USAID’s Kazakhstan Judicial Assistance Project (KJAP) has increased the number... Read More ...

Related Items: Kazakhstan, Education

USAID's CAPACITY project works in Kazakhstan and the region to prevent drug use among the youthDrug Prevention Program Rolls Out in Almaty Schools

In January 2007, the Almaty City Council approved a training program on HIV prevention developed by USAID’s CAPACITY project for all general schools in Almaty... Read More ...

Related Items: Kazakhstan, Health

USAID's project facilitated Kazakhstan's participation in the international GEM meeting for the 2007 survey in LondonKazakhstan Joins Global Entrepreneurship Monitoring Consortium

With support from USAID’s Kazakhstan Small Business Development (KSBD) project, in January 2007, the Innovative Eurasia University of Pavlodar was selected to perform a complete Global Entrepreneuship Monitoring (GEM)... Read More ...

Related Items: Kazakhstan, Business Development

Members of the Junior Achievement alumni club at the founding meetingJunior Achievement Participants Establish an Alumni Club

In November, thirteen alumni and Junior Achievement Kazakhstan staff officially established an Alumni Club for this USAID-supported program... Read More ...

Related Items: Kazakhstan, Education

WUAAP specialists discuss the advantages of various crops during the field demonstrationKazakhstan’s Farmers Diversify Crops, Increase Profit

In 2006, farmers who received support from USAID’s Water Users Associations Assistance Program (WUAAP) achieved increased productivity at a level three times greater than the national average... Read More ...

Related Items: Kazakhstan, Business Development

USAID’s Reproductive Health Pilots Receive Donation

Next year, USAID’s reproductive health improvement pilots in Almaty, Astana, Zhezkazgan, and Karaganda will receive over $800,000 worth of oral contraceptives from the biopharmaceutical company Organon... Read More ...

Related Items: Kazakhstan, Health

Aside from the weather, trade fair in Shimkent was a successKazakh Regional Agriculture Trade Show a Big Hit

USAID’s Water Users Associations Assistance Program (WUAAP), in partnership with SodBi Business Incubator and the Southern Kazakhstan Regional Government, held an agricultural trade show in the regional capital – Shymkent... Read More ...

Related Items: Kazakhstan, Business Development

USAID's project is training Kazakhstani judges to become mentors for their newly appointed colleaguesUSAID Supports Nationwide Roll-Out of Judicial Mentorship Program

In September, USAID’s Kazakhstan Judicial Assistance Project (KJAP), implemented by Chemonics International, led a hands-on training for judges... Read More ...

Related Items: Kazakhstan, Education

Kazakhstan's judges get a first-hand look at the juror box during meetings with Russian judgesKazakhstan Courts Prepare For Jury Trials

Jury trials will go into force in Kazakhstan on January 1, 2007 for capital cases and USAID’s project is helping the Kazakhstani judiciary prepare for the implementation of the new law... Read More ...

Related Items: Kazakhstan, Rule of Law

With funding from USAID, CDC is assisting to improve blood screening procedures in the regionCDC Investigates Pediatric HIV Outbreak in Kazakhstan

Earlier this year, at the request of Kazakhstan’s Ministry of Health, the U.S. Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) participated in an epidemiological investigation of an HIV outbreak among children aged 6-24 months in southern Kazakhstan... Read More ...

Related Items: Kazakhstan, Health

Kazakhstan's entrepreneurs acquire business knowledge and skills through USAID-supported entrepreneurship centersEntrepreneurship Center to Strengthen Business Practices in Kazakhstan

In May, USAID’s Business and Economics Education Project (B&EE) helped open the Kazakhstan-American Center for Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation (KACEBI) at the Western-Kazakhstan Institute of Languages and Management “Evrazia”... Read More ...

Related Items: Kazakhstan, Business Development

Students gained first-hand experience by working with local government officialsKazakhstani Youth Take a First-Hand Look at Local Government

More than 300 students worked with 270 local government officials in 26 Akimats (councils) during the Student Local Government Days to learn how their government works... Read More ...

Related Items: Kazakhstan, Democracy

In Kyrgyzstan, the Doing Business conference was attended by more than 150 business and government representativesRegional World Bank’s Doing Business Report Identifies Necessary Reforms for Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan

Kyrgyz Republic was ranked 84th, Kazakhstan 86th, and Uzbekistan 138th among 155 countries, based on specific regulations that promote or constrain investment productivity and growth... Read More ...

Related Items: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Institutional Reform

The talk show discussed corruption and its reasonsFirst Televised Public Forum on Bribery and Corruption in Legal Education in Kazakhstan

With USAID funding, ABA/CEELI and USAID’s Participant Training Program conducted a televised forum to address the issue of bribery in law institutions in Kazakhstan... Read More ...

Related Items: Kazakhstan, Rule of Law

The new criteria recognize all newborns weighing 500 grams and with 22 weeks of gestation as birthsWith USAID Support Kazakhstan Adopts Live Birth Definition

On March 1, the Government of Kazakhstan endorsed a plan for the country’s transition to the live birth criteria, recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO)... Read More ...

Related Items: Kazakhstan, Health

To improve the quality of medical care USAID is helping to build regional medical education capacityKazakhstan Initiates Medical Education Reform

The Council of Ministers of Kazakhstan recently approved the Concept on Reforming the Medical Education in Kazakhstan for nationwide implementation, effective in January 2007... Read More ...

Related Items: Kazakhstan, Health, Education

A local official explains his position at a roundtable organized to discuss the proposed mercury disposal siteUSAID-Funded NGOs Lead a Successful Environmental Advocacy Campaign

A public advocacy campaign by the Karaganda Civil Society Support Center (CSSC) EcoCenter and the NGO Reflection has recently resulted in a government decision to delay the construction... Read More ...

Related Items: Kazakhstan, Environment

On March 14, USAID and ExxonMobil signed a Memorandum of Understanding to launch a new GDA health project in KazakhstanUSAID and ExxonMobil Kazakhstan Launch New Global Development Alliance Health Project

USAID and ExxonMobil Kazakhstan, Inc., launched their third joint Global Development Alliance (GDA) health project in the country on March 14, 2006, contributing $40,000 each... Read More ...

Related Items: Kazakhstan, Health

Students in nearly 800 schools across Kazakhstan learn civics from USAID-funded textbooksUSAID Provides a Model for Education Reform in Kazakhstan

USAID’s Civic Education Program was recently invited to make a presentation on its Civic Education course and textbook to Kazakhstan’s education officials, experts, and specialists who are designing the reform of the country’s education system... Read More ...

Related Items: Kazakhstan, Education

Nearly 3,400 Kazakhstanis took the CAP test, which has been administered in 13 cities to dateUSAID-Supported Accounting Program Gains Momentum in Kazakhstan

The availability of trained accountants is essential for Kazakhstan’s conversion to international financial reporting standards, which are key to trade and investment growth in the region... Read More ...

Related Items: Kazakhstan, Business Development

The safe motherhood approach promotes immediate skin-to-skin contact with a newborn infantA New Pilot Site for Safe Motherhood in Almaty

In December 2005, USAID’s health reform program ZdravPlus II initiated its sixth safe motherhood pilot site in Kazakhstan. The program, implemented by Abt Associates... Read More ...

Related Items: Kazakhstan, Health

Kazakh truck drivers benefited from a project-facilitated reduction in insurance fees imposed by Russian CustomsDeregulation Efforts Lead to $150 Million in Savings for Kazakhstani Businesses

USAID’s Trade Facilitation and Investment Project successfully reduced business constraints related to nine separate processes in seven cities during the last quarter of 2005... Read More ...

Related Items: Kazakhstan, Business Development

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Thu, 06 Mar 2008 09:06:53 -0500