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Vermont 2003-2007 (data entry closed)

Results by Species

Draft Ruby-crowned Kinglet Results for entire Atlas Area

All results DRAFT until final review / publication.
776 blocks with field cards submitted & reviewed.
76 blocks with Ruby-crowned Kinglet:
   CO:10, PR:29, PO:37,
Previous atlas (VT1976) for comparison
 not shown: check box at bottom to include
These results last updated 24/Sep/08

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Currently showing evidence
PO and above

Block List
sort sort sort    
Block Code Block Name Best Evidence Other details    
1323 Averill Lake - 6     PO              
1344 Barre West - 1     PR              
1376 Bloomfield - 1     PO              
1378 Bloomfield - 3     PR              
1380 Bloomfield - 5     PO              
1401 Brattleboro - 2     PO              
1406 Bread Loaf - 1     PO              
1416 Bridport - 5     PO              
1431 Burke Mountain - 2     PR              
1433 Burke Mountain - 4     PO              
1435 Burke Mountain - 6     PR              
1453 Caspian Lake - 6     PO              
1504 Concord - 1     PR              
1527 Crystal Lake - 3     CO              
1545 Dorset - 3     PR              
1612 Gallup Mills - 5     CO              
1620 Gilman - 1     PO              
1624 Gilman - 5     PO              
1630 Gilson Mountain - 6     PR              
1641 Groton - 2     PO              
1685 Hinesburg - 1     PO              
1696 Huntington - 2     PO              
1702 Irasburg - 2     PO              
1708 Island Pond - 2     CO              
1710 Island Pond - 4     CO              
1729 Jay Peak - 5     PR              
1740 Joes Pond - 2     PR              
1744 Joes Pond - 6     PO              
1771 Lincoln - 1     PO              
1776 Lincoln - 6     CO              
1808 Lyndonville - 4     PR              
1810 Lyndonville - 6     CO              
1812 Maidstone Lake - 2     PR              
1816 Maidstone Lake - 6     PR              
1824 Marshfield - 2     PR              
1826 Marshfield - 4     PO              
1837 Middlesex - 3     PO              
1847 Miles Pond - 1     PO              
1861 Monadnock Mountain - 3     PR              
1864 Monadnock Mountain - 6     CO              
1877 Montpelier - 5     PO              
1883 Morgan Center - 5     PO              
1891 Morrisville - 5     PR              
1898 Mount Carmel - 6     CO              
1902 Mount Ellen - 4     PO              
1912 Mount Mansfield - 2     PO              
1913 Mount Mansfield - 3     PR              
1916 Mount Mansfield - 6     PR              
1925 Mount Snow - 3     PR              
1927 Mount Snow - 5     PO              
1954 Newport Center - 3     PR              
1976 North Troy - 2     PO              
1985 Northfield - 3     PR              
2002 Orleans - 1     PO              
2029 Peru - 4     PO              
2042 Plainfield - 2     PR              
2077 Putnam - 6     PR              
2110 Richford - 3     PR              
2164 Seneca Mountain - 6     PR              
2213 Spectacle Pond - 2     PO              
2217 Spectacle Pond - 6     PR              
2237 St. Johnsbury - 1     PO              
2240 St. Johnsbury - 4     CO              
2250 Stannard - 2     PO              
2258 Stone Mountain - 4     PR              
2275 Stratton Mountain - 4     CO              
2290 Sutton - 1     PO              
2326 Vershire - 4     PO              
2330 Waitsfield - 2     PO              
2360 Waterbury - 4     PR              
2402 West Rutland - 5     PO              
2417 Westmore - 2     PR              
2432 Sterling - 3     PO              
2435 Sterling - 6     PO              
2444 Windham - 5     PO              
2455 Wolcott - 4     PR              
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U.S. Department of the Interior || U.S. Geological Survey || Patuxent Wildlife Research Center  Laurel, MD, USA 20708-4038
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Last updated: Tools - February 2008; Content - various, depending on atlas.
Page generated on: 24-Sep-2008