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Vermont 2003-2007 (data entry closed)

Results by Species

Draft Spotted Sandpiper Results for entire Atlas Area

All results DRAFT until final review / publication.
776 blocks with field cards submitted & reviewed.
184 blocks with Spotted Sandpiper:
   CO:75, PR:57, PO:52,
Previous atlas (VT1976) for comparison
 not shown: check box at bottom to include
These results last updated 24/Sep/08

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Currently showing evidence
PO and above

Block List
sort sort sort    
Block Code Block Name Best Evidence Other details    
1304 Albany - 5     CO              
1312 Arlington - 1     PR              
1316 Arlington - 5     PR              
1321 Averill Lake - 4     PR              
1331 Bakersfield - 6     PO              
1333 Barnet - 2     CO              
1340 Barre East - 3     PO              
1344 Barre West - 1     PR              
1346 Barre West - 3     CO              
1352 Bellows Falls - 2     CO              
1353 Bellows Falls - 3     PR              
1355 Bennington - 1     PO              
1358 Bennington - 4     PR              
1363 Benson - 3     CO              
1372 Bethel - 3     CO              
1375 Bethel - 6     CO              
1378 Bloomfield - 3     PO              
1386 Bolton Mountain - 5     PR              
1396 Brandon - 3     CO              
1400 Brattleboro - 1     CO              
1414 Bridport - 3     PR              
1423 Bristol - 6     CO              
1426 Brookfield - 3     CO              
1431 Burke Mountain - 2     CO              
1435 Burke Mountain - 6     CO              
1437 Burlington - 2     PO              
1438 Burlington - 3     CO              
1439 Burlington - 4     CO              
1450 Caspian Lake - 3     PO              
1453 Caspian Lake - 6     CO              
1458 Cavendish - 5     CO              
1459 Cavendish - 6     CO              
1463 Charlotte - 4     PO              
1464 Charlotte - 5     PO              
1465 Charlotte - 6     CO              
1467 Chelsea - 2     PR              
1480 Chittenden - 3     PR              
1484 Colchester - 1     PO              
1489 Colchester - 6     PO              
1493 Colchester Point - 4     PO              
1495 Colchester Point - 6     CO              
1506 Concord - 3     PR              
1514 Cornwall - 5     CO              
1527 Crystal Lake - 3     PO              
1544 Dorset - 2     PR              
1552 East Alburg - 4     PR              
1563 East Middlebury - 1     PR              
1565 East Middlebury - 3     PO              
1570 Eden - 2     PR              
1576 Enosburg Falls - 1     PO              
1579 Enosburg Falls - 4     PO              
1590 Essex Junction - 1     PR              
1594 Essex Junction - 5     CO              
1599 Fairfield - 4     CO              
1605 Fairlee - 4     PR              
1611 Gallup Mills - 4     CO              
1612 Gallup Mills - 5     CO              
1615 Georgia Plains - 2     CO              
1627 Gilson Mountain - 3     PR              
1630 Gilson Mountain - 6     CO              
1631 Governors Mountain - 1     PO              
1644 Groton - 5     PO              
1648 Groveton - 3     PR              
1653 Hancock - 3     CO              
1655 Hancock - 5     PO              
1658 Hanover - 2     CO              
1666 Hartland - 4     PO              
1668 Hartland - 6     PO              
1669 Hazens Notch - 1     PR              
1671 Hazens Notch - 3     PR              
1679 Highgate Center - 3     PO              
1680 Highgate Center - 4     PR              
1695 Huntington - 1     CO              
1698 Huntington - 4     PO              
1702 Irasburg - 2     PO              
1713 Jacksonville - 1     PR              
1729 Jay Peak - 5     CO              
1737 Jeffersonville - 5     CO              
1744 Joes Pond - 6     PR              
1750 Johnson - 6     CO              
1756 Juniper Island - 6     PR              
1761 Killington Peak - 4     CO              
1766 Knox Mountain - 3     PO              
1771 Lincoln - 1     CO              
1779 Londonderry - 2     PR              
1782 Londonderry - 5     PR              
1786 Lowell - 2     CO              
1787 Lowell - 3     PO              
1797 Ludlow - 4     CO              
1810 Lyndonville - 6     CO              
1812 Maidstone Lake - 2     PO              
1816 Maidstone Lake - 6     PO              
1830 Middlebury - 2     PR              
1836 Middlesex - 2     PR              
1837 Middlesex - 3     PR              
1850 Miles Pond - 4     CO              
1854 Milton - 2     PR              
1864 Monadnock Mountain - 6     PR              
1868 Monkton - 2     PR              
1876 Montpelier - 4     CO              
1891 Morrisville - 5     CO              
1895 Mount Carmel - 3     PO              
1902 Mount Ellen - 4     CO              
1916 Mount Mansfield - 6     PO              
1919 Mount Philo - 3     PR              
1925 Mount Snow - 3     PO              
1927 Mount Snow - 5     PR              
1937 Newbury - 3     CO              
1938 Newbury - 4     PR              
1941 Newfane - 2     CO              
1942 Newfane - 3     CO              
1947 Newport - 2     PR              
1957 Newport Center - 6     PO              
1964 North Hartland - 1     PR              
1966 North Hero - 1     PR              
1969 North Hero - 4     CO              
1971 North Hero - 6     CO              
1988 Northfield - 6     CO              
1991 Norton Pond - 2     PR              
2002 Orleans - 1     PO              
2009 Orwell - 2     PO              
2011 Orwell - 4     PO              
2018 Pawlet - 5     PO              
2029 Peru - 4     CO              
2030 Peru - 5     CO              
2036 Pico Peak - 5     CO              
2042 Plainfield - 2     PO              
2056 Port Henry - 6     PO              
2060 Poultney - 4     PO              
2068 Pownal - 6     PO              
2079 Putney - 2     PO              
2080 Putney - 3     PR              
2084 Quechee - 1     PO              
2091 Randolph - 2     CO              
2094 Randolph - 5     PR              
2101 Randolph Center - 6     PR              
2108 Richford - 1     CO              
2111 Richford - 4     PO              
2121 Richmond - 6     CO              
2138 Roxbury - 1     PR              
2145 Rutland - 2     CO              
2154 Saxtons River - 2     PO              
2155 Saxtons River - 3     PR              
2174 Sheldon Springs - 4     PR              
2182 Snake Mountain - 1     PO              
2183 Snake Mountain - 2     CO              
2188 South Hero - 1     CO              
2191 South Hero - 4     CO              
2196 South Mountain - 3     PR              
2200 South Royalton - 1     CO              
2210 South Strafford - 5     CO              
2226 St. Albans - 2     PR              
2228 St. Albans - 4     PO              
2231 St. Albans Bay - 1     CO              
2235 St. Albans Bay - 5     PR              
2236 St. Albans Bay - 6     CO              
2240 St. Johnsbury - 4     CO              
2262 Stowe - 2     CO              
2264 Stowe - 4     CO              
2274 Stratton Mountain - 3     CO              
2288 Sunderland - 5     PO              
2304 Tinkerville - 4     PR              
2317 Vergennes West - 1     PR              
2318 Vergennes West - 2     CO              
2319 Vergennes West - 3     PO              
2320 Vergennes West - 4     PR              
2321 Vergennes West - 5     PO              
2330 Waitsfield - 2     PR              
2335 Wallingford - 1     PO              
2341 Walpole - 1     CO              
2360 Waterbury - 4     PR              
2370 West Burke - 2     CO              
2385 West Dover - 3     PO              
2396 West Rupert - 5     CO              
2405 West Topsham - 2     CO              
2419 Westmore - 4     PR              
2422 Weston - 1     CO              
2427 Weston - 6     CO              
2452 Wolcott - 1     CO              
2462 Woodbury - 5     CO              
2466 Woodford - 3     PR              
2471 Woodstock North - 2     PO              
2472 Woodstock North - 3     PR              
2476 Woodstock South - 1     PO              
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U.S. Department of the Interior || U.S. Geological Survey || Patuxent Wildlife Research Center  Laurel, MD, USA 20708-4038
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Last updated: Tools - February 2008; Content - various, depending on atlas.
Page generated on: 24-Sep-2008