Program Leader: Lucia Spears (865/241-9237)

There are more than 20 different Transportation Safety courses available via classroom presentation or web-based training. A Hazmat employee may need all or part of them or may substitute modules to satisfy Hazmat employee training requirements. Hazmat employees are grouped by levels, or categories, of training based on their job functions. The categories are described as follows:

Category 1: Advanced Transportation Training. For individuals who classify and categorize hazardous materials, radioactive materials, and/or hazardous wastes; certify shipping papers for off-site transportation; determine packaging for off-site shipments; have oversight responsibilities for these activities; or make final decisions regarding inbound and outbound hazmat shipping. Examples of employees needing this training might include traffic managers, traffic specialists, packaging specialists, and safety managers. Contact Lucia Spears at 865/241-9237 or e-mail for more information.

Category 2: Basic Hazardous/Radioactive/Hazardous Waste Training. For personnel who supervise, perform, or verify functions that have a direct impact on U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) compliance of hazardous and/or radioactive materials and hazardous wastes being shipped onsite or offsite. Examples might be packaging supervisors, waste management supervisors, or the division associate transportation coordinator. Contact Lucia Spears at 865/241-9237 or e-mail for more information.

Category 3: Driver Training for Hazardous Materials Transportation. For personnel who transport or supervise the transportation of hazardous materials, hazardous waste, or radioactive materials onsite or offsite in a commercial motor vehicle. Contact Lucia Spears at 865/241-9237 or e-mail for more information.

Category 4: Job-Specific Hazmat Training. For personnel who load, unload, inspect, or secure hazardous materials for transportation or personnel who perform specific functions addressed in 49 CFR Parts 105-180. Examples include employees who load and unload hazardous materials vehicles. Contact Lucia Spears at 865/241-9237 or e-mail for more information.

Required courses for hazmat employees vary depending on the person’s job function. Each Division Training Officer (DTO) should determine which of the courses the employee needs. Please refer to the following url for help in making determinations:

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