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USAID Representative: 
Alan Davis

U.S. Embassy
Nicosia, Cyprus
Tel: +357-22-393391
Fax: +357-22-393923


Cyprus’s location in the Eastern Mediterranean endows it with a strategic significance far beyond its small size. The long-standing, unresolved conflict in Cyprus represents a major foreign policy concern for the U.S., whose regional interest is to secure strategic geopolitical stability and promote economic prosperity and security. The persistent division of the island and tension between the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot communities is the consequence of a long history of conflict that erupted in inter-communal violence in the 1960s and which culminated in armed conflict in 1974 with Turkey’s military intervention following an unsuccessful coup d’etat directed from Greece. The unresolved conflict continues to raise tensions between important NATO allies Greece and Turkey. The U.S. Congress has, since the events of 1974, consistently backed this policy perspective with legislation and regular annual Economic Support Fund (ESF) earmarks “aimed at reunification of the island and designed to reduce tensions and promote peace and cooperation between the two communites on Cyprus.”

Cyprus in Action

Participants of the 2005 Doves Olympic Movement Summer Camp Olympic Doves: Promoting Peace through Sports

On the first day I hated it and wanted to go home. By the second day, I thought it wasn’t so bad. By the third and fourth days, I was having fun... Read More ...

Related Items: Cyprus, Education

Greek-Cypriot and Turkish-Cypriot Youth Set Off on a Voyage of Understanding Adventures on the High Seas

Thrown together on the high seas, fourteen Cypriot young people accomplished something that is next to impossible on land—they met, got to know each other... Read More ...

Related Items: Cyprus, Social Programs

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Mon, 18 Aug 2008 16:01:22 -0500