<BGSOUND SRC="http://www.geocities.com/heartmom2two/canufeel.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Welcome to
NH Dietary Intervention for Autism and Related Disorders!
What we offer:
*Introduction to gluten free/casein free diet
*Help with other dietary issues
*Help finding appropriate foods locally (in NH)
*Monthly group meetings
*Recipe swaps
*E-mail list
*Online chat
*Other resources

Click to join NH Dietary Intervention for
Autism and Related Disorders

We are currently meeting the third Tuesday of each month at Community Bridges in Bow, NH.  This may change with time. Feel free to contact me for current meeting times and place at: heartmom2two@yahoo.com
or 603-435-5313

Please sign my guestbook

Compliments of Parent to Parent of NH