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East Timor
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East Timor

The Challenge

East Timor continues on course as the first new democracy of the millennium. Rural poverty remains a significant challenge, and has been exacerbated by continued high population growth. The maternal mortality and under-five child mortality rates are also among the highest in the world. Despite these challenges, East Timor has made significant progress. Recently the country was selected to be a fully eligible candidate for the Millennium Challenge Account, which should have a significant impact on national development. USAID programs in East Timor will directly contribute to poverty reduction, help strengthen the rule of law, expand more effective democratic governance, and help improve the health of the Timorese people, especially women and children at greatest risk.

Objectives, Sectors and Workforce

Flag of East TimorCountry Profile Tables

Definitions of Information Contained in the Country Profile Tables

Please note: All linked documents below are in PDF format

Program Budget (Appropriations by Objective) FY 2004 ($000) FY 2005 ($000) FY 2006 ($000) FY 2007 ($000) Percent Change FY 04-07 2005 SO Performance Score Direct SO Admin. Cost Ratio
472-001 Accelerated Economic Growth 11,367 0 0 0 N/A 1.15 Exceeded N/A
472-003 Support for Democratic Transition 11,000 0 0 0 N/A 1.13 Exceeded N/A
472-004 - Accelerated Economic Growth 0 9,908 7,900 6,500 N/A 2.00 Exceeded 0.08
472-005 - Good Governance Strengthened 0 9,460 6,000 4,000 N/A N/A   0.08
472-006 - Improved health of the Timorese people 0 2,956 4,910 3,000 N/A 1.15 Exceeded 0.08
PL 480 Title II not Allocated to a Strategic Objective 669 994     N/A  
Country Total 23,036 23,318 18,810 13,500 -41.4%

USAID Representative: Flynn Fuller

MCA Status: Compact Eligible
PEPFAR Focus Country: No
Provided or Received Services From Other Missions: Received

Program Budget (Appropriations by Account) FY 2004
FY 2005
FY 2006
FY 2007
Percent Change
FY 04-07
Development Assistance  0 500 0 0 N/A
Economic Support Fund  22,367 21,824 18,810 13,500 -39.6%
PL 480 Title II  669 994 0 0 N/A
Total  23,036 23,318 18,810 13,500 -41.4%


Program Budget by Sector and Account FY 2004
FY 2005
FY 2006
FY 2007
Percent Change
FY 04-07
Economic Growth ESF 11,367 9,908 7,900 6,500 -42.8%
Human Rights DA 0 500 0 0 N/A
Democracy and Governance ESF 11,000 8,960 6,000 4,000 -63.6%
Child Survival and Maternal Health ESF 0 2,956 3,000 1,500 N/A
Other Infectious Diseases ESF 0 0 1,910 1,500 N/A
PL 480 Title II not Allocated to a Sector 669 994 N/A
Total  23,036 23,318 18,810 13,500 -41.4%


Workforce FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007 Percent Change
FY 04-07
US Direct Hires  0 1 1 1 N/A
US Non Direct Hires  0 3 4 4 N/A
Foreign Nationals  0 16 19 19 N/A
Total  0 20 24 24 N/A


Operating Expense FY 2004
FY 2005
FY 2006
FY 2007
Percent Change
FY 04-07
Salaries and benefits  66 304 229 250 278.8%
Travel  145 100 121 140 -3.4%
Transportation of things  12 48 25 66 450.0%
Rent  21 70 105 57 171.4%
Security  24 37 41 44 83.3%
Equipment  103 46 147 100 -2.9%
ICASS - Operating Expense only  0 128 100 106 N/A
Other Operating Expense  137 342 232 237 73.0%
Total OE Budget  508 1,075 1,000 1,000 96.9%
US direct hire salary and benefits 0 120 148 164 N/A
Program Funded Administrative Expenses        808
Country Total Administrative Budget        1,972
Percent of Bureau OE Total        1.4%


Mission Summary FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007
Program per US Direct Hire ($000) N/A 23,318 18,810 13,500
Program per All US ($000) N/A 5,830 3,762 2,700
Program per Position ($000) N/A 1,166 784 563
Operating Expense as % of Program Funding       7.4%
Program Funded Admin Expense as % of Total Admin       41.0%
Total Admin Expense as % of Program Funding       14.6%

Other Major Donors:

Bilateral: The United States is the third largest donor in East Timor. The other major bilateral donors include Australia, Portugal, Japan, and the European Commission.

Multilateral: Major multilateral donors include the World Bank, a conglomerate of 18 United Nations agencies, and the Asia Development Bank.

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Fri, 02 Jun 2006 15:30:21 -0500