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CBJ 2007
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The Challenge

USAID’s program aims to assist the Government of Azerbaijan (GOAZ) to develop the non-oil sector and have a smooth transition to democratic rule. Currently, the greatest challenge is maintaining macro economic stability in the face of a surge of oil revenues. The key impediments are pervasive corruption, lack of capacity in the public sector, lack of market economy structures in government in order for the GOAZ to manage state revenues and develop the non-oil sector, and lack of an active citizenship culture. USAID is developing an anti-corruption component for each activity. Building capacity is supported through technical assistance and exchanges; automating systems to combat corruption and make efficient processes (i.e., creating a treasury system); assistance on capital budgeting; reforming policy and procedures on health sector financing; and working with the GOAZ Anti- Corruption Commission among other activities.

Objectives, Sectors and Workforce

Flag of AzerbaijanCountry Profile Tables

Definitions of Information Contained in the Country Profile Tables

Please note: All linked documents below are in PDF format

Program Budget (Appropriations by Objective) FY 2004 ($000) FY 2005 ($000) FY 2006 ($000) FY 2007 ($000) Percent Change FY 04-07 2005 SO Performance Score Direct SO Admin. Cost Ratio
112-0130 Development of Small and Medium Enterprises 10,807 11,000 13,670 11,088 2.6% 1.29 Exceeded 0.05
112-0210 Civil Society 5,900 9,350 7,600 6,154 4.3% 1.36 Exceeded 0.07
112-0310 Humanitarian Assistance 8,790 4,964 0 0 N/A 1.50 Exceeded 0.17
112-0320 Health 0 73 3,780 3,053 N/A N/A   -0.00
112-0420 Cross-Cutting Programs 5,927 6,868 3,050 2,450 -58.7%     0.04
Transfer to Other US Government Agency 7,335 6,000 6,550 5,255 -28.4%  
PL 480 Title II not Allocated to a Strategic Objective 2,883 1,545 1,939   N/A
Country Total 41,642 39,800 36,589 28,000 -32.8%

Mission Director: Denny Robertson

MCA Status: Currently Not Eligible
PEPFAR Focus Country: No
Provided or Received Services From Other Missions: Received

Program Budget (Appropriations by Account) FY 2004 ($000) FY 2005 ($000) FY 2006 ($000) FY 2007 ($000) Percent Change FY 04-07
Child Survival and Health Programs Fund 0 500 0 0 N/A
FREEDOM Support Act 38,759 37,755 34,650 28,000 -27.8%
PL 480 Title II 2,883 1,545 1,939 0 N/A
Total 41,642 39,800 36,589 28,000 -32.8%



Program Budget by Sector and Account FY 2004 ($000) FY 2005 ($000) FY 2006 ($000) FY 2007 ($000) Percent Change FY 04-07
Agriculture and Environment FSA 4,599 5,832 3,814 4,589 -0.2%
Economic Growth FSA 12,518 10,530 13,631 9,496 -24.1%
Democracy and Governance FSA 11,593 15,876 12,499 10,059 -13.2%
Conflict Management / Humanitarian Assistance FSA 4,384 827 926 803 -81.7%
Family Planning / Reproductive Health CSH 0 500 0 0 N/A
FSA 2,095 1,602 1,159 1,350 -35.6%
HIV / AIDS FSA 0 0 17 0 N/A
Child Survival and Maternal Health FSA 2,771 3,088 2,552 1,703 -38.5%
Vulnerable Children FSA 799 0 0 0 N/A
Other Infectious Diseases FSA 0 0 52 0 N/A
PL 480 Title II not Allocated to a Sector 2,883 1,545 1,939   N/A
Total 41,642 39,800 36,589 28,000 -32.8%


Workforce FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007 Percent Change FY 04-07
US Direct Hires 3 1 2 2 -33.3%
US Non Direct Hires 6 5 6 5 -16.7%
Foreign Nationals 10 19 25 24 140.0%
Total 19 25 33 31 63.2%


Operating Expense FY 2004 ($000) FY 2005 ($000) FY 2006 ($000) FY 2007 ($000) Percent Change FY 04-07
Salaries and benefits 0 0 237 237 N/A
Travel 0 0 71 71 N/A
Transportation of things 0 0 38 7 N/A
Rent 0 0 182 182 N/A
Security 0 0 3 3 N/A
Equipment 0 0 0 26 N/A
ICASS - Operating Expense only 0 0 245 250 N/A
Other Operating Expense 0 0 79 79 N/A
Total OE Budget 0 0 855 855 N/A
US direct hire salary and benefits 567 405 279 309 -45.5%
Program Funded Administrative Expenses       2,255  
Country Total Administrative Budget       3,419
Percent of Bureau OE Total       2.2%


Mission Summary FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007
Program per US Direct Hire ($000) 13,881 39,800 18,295 14,000
Program per All US ($000) 4,627 6,633 4,574 4,000
Program per Position ($000) 2,192 1,592 1,109 903
Operating Expense as % of Program Funding       3.1%
Program Funded Admin Expense as % of Total Admin       66.0%
Total Admin Expense as % of Program Funding       12.2%


Other Major Donors:

Bilateral: Germany, United Kingdom.

Multilateral: World Bank, International Monetary Fund, United Nations Development Program, United Nations Children's Fund, World Health Organization, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, European Union, Asian Development Bank, Council of Europe, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.

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Fri, 02 Jun 2006 15:35:45 -0500