NOAA Miami Regional Library at AOML

A Branch of the NOAA Central Library


AOML Recent Publications

Cunningham, S.A., Kanzow, T., Rayner, D. Baringer, M.O., Johns, W.E., Marotzke, J., et al. (2007). Temporal
     variability of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation at 26.5 N. Science, 317(5840), 935-938.

Dong, S., Gille, S.T., & Sprintall, J. (2007). An assessment of the Southern Ocean mixed layer heat budget.
     Journal of Climate, 20(17), 4425-4442.

Jones, T.A., Cecil, D.J., & Dunion, J.P. (2007). The environmental and inner core conditions governing the
      intensity of Hurricane Erin (2001). Weather and Forecasting, 22(4), 708-725.

Kanzow, T., Cunningham, S.A., Rayner, D., Hirschi, J.J.M., Johns, W.E., Baringer, M.O., et al. (2007). Observed
     flow compensation associated with the MOC at 26.5 N in the Atlantic. Science, 317(5840), 938-941.

Lonfat, M., Rogers, R.F., Marchok, T., & Marks, F.D. (2007). A parametric model for predicting hurricane landfall.
      Monthly Weather Review, 135(9), 3086-3097.

Marchok, T.P., Rogers, R.F., & Tuleya, R.E. (2007). Validation schemes for tropical cyclone quantitative
      precipitation forecasts: evaluation of operational models for U.S. landfalling cases. Weather and
      Forecasting, 22
(4), 726-746.

Moyer, A.C., Evans, J.L., & Powell, M.D. (2007). Comparison of observed gale radius statistics. Meteorology
     and Atmospheric Physics, 97
(1-4), 41-55.

Schmid, C., Molinari, R.L., Sabina, R., Daneshzadeh, Y.H., Xia, X., Forteza, E., et al. (2007). The real-time data
      management system for Argo profiling float observations. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology,
(9), 1608-1628.

Tory, K.J., Davidson, N.E., & Montgomery, M.T. (2007). Prediction and diagnosis of tropical cyclone formation in
      a NWP system, Part III: diagnosis of developing and nondeveloping storms. Journal of the Atmospheric
      Sciences, 64
(9), 3195-3213.

Uhlhorn, E.W., Black, P.G., Franklin, J.L., Goodberlet, M., Carswell, J., & Goldstein, A.S. (2007). Hurricane
     surface wind measurements from an operational Stepped Frequency Microwave Radiometer. Monthly
      Weather Review, 135
(9), 3070-3085.

Wang, C., Lee, S.K., & Enfield, D.B. (2007). Impact of the Atlantic warm pool on the summer climate of the
     western hemisphere. Journal of Climate, 20(20), 5021-5040.

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Page last updated on: November 1, 2007