Making Text Larger
- In Internet Explorer, select the View menu with ALT + V, then select
the Text Size, then Larger or Largest on the menu.
In Firefox, hold down the CTRL key, then tap the Plus key "+" as many times as needed to enlarge the current font size. To reduce the font size, hold down the CTRL key, then tap the minus key "-" as many times as needed to reduce the font size. To return the font to normal size, hold down the CTRL key, then tap the zero key "0" once.
In Netscape, hold down the CTRL key, then tap the Right Bracket
key "]" as many times as needed to enlarge the current font size. To reduce the font size, hold down the CTRL key, then tap the Left Bracket key "[" as many times as needed to reduce the font size.
- If there is a wheel in the middle of your mouse, hold down the Ctrl key on your key board and turn the wheel. The print size will either get larger or smaller depending on which way you turn the wheel.
Changing Foreground and Background Colors on the Web Page
In Internet Explorer, use Tools, Internet Options, General dialog
page, and the Colors button, then check the dialog boxes to set individual preferences.
In Netscape, use ALT + E for Edit, then the UP Arrow or "E" for Preferences.
Press Enter, then SHIFT+ TAB for Preferences Navigation, then use
the UP Arrow once for colors and twice for fonts. Within the colors
and fonts selection boxes, press Tab to navigate among the choices,
and use the Space Bar to select them. Press Enter to save your choices.
Using WordPad – Pro and Con
PRO: In both Netscape and Internet Explorer, if you
use an IBM compatible computer with Windows 95 or greater, you can copy
the entire text of the web page into a WordPad document and then enlarge
the text as much as you like.
CON: Copying a web page into WordPad usually loses
column formatting and displays the entire page as one continuous column.
Only the text is copied. You lose graphics and links that can be used
to go to other web pages.
Using WordPad to Enlarge Text
To copy text into WordPad, do the following:
- Use CTRL + A to highlight all of the web page.
- Use CTRL + C to copy the web page to the clipboard.
- Press the Windows key, CTRL + Esc, or choose
Start to bring up the Start Menu.
- In the Start Menu, select P for Programs, then Enter or choose
A (for Accessories), and W for WordPad.
- In WordPad, select the Edit menu with ALT + E,
then press S, for "Paste Special." In the dialog box that follows, select
"Unformatted Text" and Enter.
Result: All the web page text will now be in the
WordPad document.
- Use CTRL + A to highlight all of the WordPad
document, then ALT + O for the Format menu, and choose
Font. You can then select Font type, style, and size.
Example: If you want the text to be Arial 36 bold,
select Arial, press Tab, type Bold, press Tab, then type the font
size, 36, and press Enter. You can change any of these selections
to meet your needs.
Result: The web page content will now be displayed
using your font style and size selections.
- Use ALT + F for the File menu and A for Save
As ... to save the document on the drive and under the document name
you choose.