Records Managers

Electronic Records Work Group

This page provides information about the Electronic Records Work Group (ERWG) report to the Archivist of the United States, NARA's actions in response to the report recommendations, and the status of the GRS 20 lawsuit (Public Citizen et al. v. John Carlin et al.).

The page was reformatted on November 23, 1998, March 25, 1999, and March 7, 2000, to make it easier to find current information, but all earlier documents relating to the ERWG and its report are still available from Background Information.


Information for Federal Agencies

  • NARA Bulletin 2000-02, Disposition of electronic copies; suspension of NARA Bulletin 99-04, December 27, 1999

  • NARA Bulletin 99-05, Disposition of electronic records (NARA Bulletin 98-02)

  • NARA Bulletin 99-04, Scheduling electronic copies of program records and administrative records not covered by the General Records Schedules (GRS), March 25, 1999 (Suspended by Bulletin 2000-02)

  • Standard Form 115 (SF-115) - You may request an electronic version of the SF 115 from Please specify whether you want WordPerfect 6.0 or MS Word 6 versions.

  • GRS Transmittal No. 8 - December 21, 1998

Information Relating to GRS 20 Court Case

ERWG Final Report & Archivist's Statement

The Electronic Records Work Group presented its final report to the Archivist of the United States on September 14, 1998. The Archivist issued his statement on the report on September 21, 1998.

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