Business Resources Overview
The City of Tempe wants existing, new and expanding businesses to be successful in the community. The Economic Development Division provides a wide range of services designed to support small businesses as well as Fortune 500 corporations. City representatives can help companies meet community leaders, find tax-saving programs and choose excellent business locations. They can also facilitate introductions to business groups.

Economic Development

  • Tempe Economic Development specialists can research answers to many questions that could help a company determine the profitability of a venture or to pick the best location
  • Economic Development specialists can provide information on the designated Tempe enterprise zone
  • Economic Development specialists can facilitate connections to state resources and incentives
  • Using a Costar database, Tempe can narrow down the search for a particular kind of facility
  • Staff familiarity with available real estate and leasing agents can assist companies in finding the space they need

Business incentives

  • Asset Assistance Program - For businesses affected by light rail construction
  • Arizona Job Training Program -- Offset costs associated with developing and implementing a job-training plan to meet the company’s specific requirements, including the New Employee Training Grant and the Existing Employee Training Grant, which allow savings of up to 75 percent of training costs for employees. An IT Training Grant is also available
  • Arizona’s Enterprise Zone Program -- Arizona offers a State Corporate Income Tax Credit for businesses locating or expanding within designated zones
  • State Income Tax Credit for Qualified Research and Development -- Receive a tax credit for qualified research and development
  • Pollution Control Tax Credit – Get a 10 percent income tax credit on real or personal property used to control or prevent pollution
  • Transaction Privilege and Use Tax Exemption -- This exempts the sales of machinery and equipment used directly in manufacturing operations from this tax
  • Private Activity Bonds -- Use these for the construction of manufacturing facilities and equipment. The interest is exempt from federal income tax
  • Accelerated Depreciation -- Get an aggressive accelerated depreciation schedule to encourage new capital investment and reduce a company’s personal property tax liability
  • Foreign Trade Zone Program Duty-Free Storage -- The FTZ is a secured area treated as though legally outside of the U.S. Customs territory. Imports may be landed and stored quickly without full customs formalities. Arizona is the only state that provides an 80 percent reduction in real and personal property taxes for qualifying companies

Business Groups

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