ASCONN is ASA's 2006 2007 Chapter of the Year!Autism Society of Connecticut


"To serve, support, and advocate for persons on the Autism spectrum, their families and communities.”








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ASA- The Voice of Autism



Puzzlethon is a unique fundraiser created especially for the Connecticut autism community

Did you miss Puzzlethon™ 2008?
Mark your calendars NOW for Puzzlethon™ 2009 to be held on Saturday, March 14, 2009. more

2008 ASCONN Mini-Grant Program: ASCONN is pleased to announce that awards have been made for the 2008 mini-grant program. Find out more here.

Donate a Cell Phone: Do you have an old, unused cell phone taking up space in the junk drawer? ASCONN will be collecting unused cell phone which can then be recycled. Be Green and help ASCONN at the same time.

Donate a Cell Phone to ASCONN

Collection boxes will be available at all ASCONN events, or just pack it up and send the phone along to ASCONN, PO Box 1404, Guilford, CT 06437. This is a great project for girl or boy scout troops, classrooms and other community groups. Call us at 888-453-4975 and we can help you out with collection boxes and materials.

Donate a car to ASCONN!

Donate a car to ASCONN: Do you have a car, truck or boat that you no longer need? Consider making a donation to ASCONN. With one telephone call, you can arrange to have the vehicle picked up (it doesn’t even have to be in running condition!). Proceeds will support ASCONN’s programming and you may even be eligible for a tax deduction. Call 1-866-273-2002 to make a donation.

Donation Kudos: We’d like to thank everyone who supports us and invite you to read about the many energetic and thoughtful ideas and events that have supported us this year. Read about these ingenious ideas (and maybe get inspired yourself!) More  

Join the Discussion: the CT State Department of Education is hosting six regional meetings to facilitate discussion around training requirements for teachers who work with children with ASD’s. Your voice counts. Meeting dates are scheduled around the state and hosted by the local RESC’s.  Can’t make a meeting? Fill out the online survey (Oct 1 – Oct 23) and voice your opinion.

New Resources: Looking for a good read? Looking for a particular book about autism? Look no further than the Connecticut State Library System. This year’s donation includes books from ASCONN as well as a significant donation from the Old Saybrook Women’s Club. Read more here or find a particular book here.

ASCONN is thrilled to announce a new scholarship program just for girls on the spectrum
: A
fund to support the creation of social skills groups for girls and to provide scholarships for girls to attend these programs. Details

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Real Jewelry to Make a Real Difference: ASCONN offers a meaningful way to support programs, services, and research while promoting autism awareness with this unique, handmade jewelry. Now available using  our secure online ordering system.
Now available using  our secure online ordering system. Browse our online catalog

New Member Benefit: With every paid NEW membership, receive a 25% discount on ASCONN's sterling silver puzzle charm. Membership Info.

ASA Chapters: Contact us for more information about our jewelry affiliate program.

Save the Date: Saturday, April 25, 2009 for ASCONN’s 19th Annual Statewide Conference on Autism! Featuring Michelle Garcia Winner of the Center for Social Thinking in California. Michelle’s innovative work on social learning (not to mention the “rubber chicken” therapy) will educate, entertain and entice you. Special “Speakers from the Spectrum” in 2009 will be our very own “ASD Unplugged”  panel presentation of young adults and teens with ASD from FOCUS Alternative Learning Center in Canton. More information

Advocacy: Check out our Legislative Advocacy page where you can get information and help with contacting your legislators about pending autism related legislation.

Autism Blog! Looking for information about autism in Connecticut? Check out our new blog, Autism in Connecticut. The blog is place everyone with an interest in autism can go to find out about events, programs, activities and other items of interest happening around the State.

ASCONN could not provide services, programs and supports without the dedicated help of volunteers. If you have some time and the inclination we’d love to hear from you. Check out our Volunteering  page for more information or e-mail us your ideas.

AutismSource™ a 24/7 searchable database and instant resource listing is up and running. Read about AutismSource or search AutismSource™ now!

Give a Teacher a Pat on the Back: Families - are you looking for a way to say "thanks" to a teacher, therapist, respite care provider, family member or staff person? Check out ASCONN's new "Pat on the Back" program.

Orientation Programs: Orientation Programs. New to the diagnosis? Need to learn more about autism? Want to train your teachers, staff, after school program, peer group or faith community? Schedule an Autism Orientation Workshop Training program. More info

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  ASCONN, P. O. Box 1404 · Guilford, CT 06437  (888) 453-4975   Copyright 2008 ASCONN
Website Services: Yankee Planning Group, LLC