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President Bush Releases Economic Blueprint
A summary of the budget plan submitted by President Bush. - 19.6KB
07 Jun 01
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Economy and Jobs
Index page for information about the economy and budget. - 27.9KB
01 Jan 02
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Strengthening Medicare: A Framework to Modernize and Improve Medicare
Principles upon which the President's Medicare reform plans are based. - 19.4KB
13 Jan 09
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FY 2008 Budget
2008 udget F a c t H S h e e t s A Balanced Budget By 2012, While: H Keeping the Economy Strong and Taxes Low H Spending Taxpayer Dollars Wisely H Combating Terrorism .. - 407.7KB
07 Feb 07
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The President's Budget & California
The President's Budget funds America's priorities, provides the largest debt reduction in history and provides fair and responsible tax relief. In California, the .. - 10.8KB
29 Apr 03
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The President's Budget & Arkansas
The President's Budget funds America's priorities, provides the largest debt reduction in history and provides fair and responsible tax relief. In Arkansas, the .. states/ar.html - 10.8KB
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President Bush discusses the budget in the Cabinet Room with his Cabinet.
President Bush discusses the budget with his Cabinet. - 17.1KB
25 Apr 03
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President Bush Takes Students from Cleveland Elementary School on a Tour at the White House
President Bush discusses the budget with his Cabinet. 2001/04/images/20010410-2.html - 17.1KB
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Nominations Sent to the Senate
Nominations sent to the senate - 5.7KB
13 Mar 03
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President Bush Speaks at Fernbank Museum in Atlanta, Georgia
THE PRESIDENT: See, this is not a -- the budget I submitted wasn't a Republican budget, it wasn't a Democrat budget; it was .. - 17.7KB
05 Feb 02
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President Bush Speaks to African American leaders
THE PRESIDENT: I will constantly speak for the values that unite our country: personal responsibility, equal justice, equal .. 2001/03/20010329-3.html - 20.6KB

President Speaks with House and Senate Leaders
THE PRESIDENT: I want to thank the leadership of the House and the Senate for coming up. Today's a big day. The House is going to .. 2001/03/20010328-4.html - 5.4KB

President Speaks to High Tech Leaders
THE PRESIDENT: I first want you all to know that this administration has great confidence in the future of our technology industry. We recognize ... 2001/03/20010328-2.html - 19.4KB
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Budget Briefing with OMB Director Mitch Daniels
Mitch Daniels discusses the President's budget for fiscal year 2003. - 69.1KB
04 Feb 02
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President's Radio Address
Good morning. Congress will shortly return to Washington to make its final spending decisions for 2002. A new budget report, released this .. - 22.0KB
30 Aug 01
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President Meets with Families at Target Store, Discusses Tax Cuts
"And the people wanted tax relief. The people want fiscal sanity in Washington. The people want all the money going into ... 2001/08/20010821-2.html - 29.5KB

Press Briefing by OMB Director Mitch Daniels
"The report we've issued this morning confirms that the nation has entered an era of solid surpluses. Surpluses on .. 2001/08/20010822-1.html - 50.4KB
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