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Are you looking for a fast-paced career and an opportunity to provide care and treatment to patients in a hospital setting? Why not explore a career in acute care? There's something for everyone! If you're interested in providing direct care, you can find work at any rung in the nursing career ladder, starting at the Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) level and advancing to master's prepared nurse. If cutting edge technology excites you, you'll find exciting opportunities as radiology technician or a health information technician. And if business and administration are more to your liking, you can pursue a career in hospital management.

Several sites have information on acute care. We highlight the sites and the content we think you'll find useful as you explore your career options in this area of healthcare.

For a quick overview of what the site below offers, click the link.


Education and Training in Health Care

Apprenticeship Certifications Community Colleges 4-year Colleges Other Options
Industry Overview In-Demand Occupations

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