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Living individuals that grow, reproduce, and die.
Algae (8 items)
Animals (197 items)
Archaea (2 items)
Bacteria (9 items)
Fungi (5 items)
Lichens (6 items)
Plants (organisms) (23 items)
Protists (1 items)
Viruses (6 items)
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Results 71 - 80 of 228 listed by similarity [list alphabetically]
Breeding Bird Atlas manager [New Window]
Data management system for Breeding Bird Atlas projects in Maryland and the District of Columbia and in Vermont.
PDF Bryophytes and lichens, small but indispensable forest dwellers [New Window]
Description of bryophytes (mosses, liverworts, and hornworts) and lichens (dual organisms of a fungus and an alga or a cyanobacterium) that are part of forest ecosystems in the Pacific Northwest with information on habitat and conservation.
PDF Buck Island Reef National Monument Sea Turtle Research Program: Sea turtle nesting research & monitoring protocols manual [New Window]
Manual for research program on the nesting habits of sea turtles of the Virgin Islands, with descriptions of species, nesting behavior, observation methods, record keeping, tagging, and tissue sample collection. (PDF file, 121 pp.)
Burrowing owl winter ecology and use of artificial burrows in South Texas [New Window]
Experimental use of artificial burrows in south Texas to help in conservation of the migratory burrowing owls (Athene cunicularia) that breed in dry grasslands using animal burrows.
Butterflies and moths of North America [New Window]
Information on species of butterflies in North America with photos, checklists, distribution maps, aids to identification, and references.
Children's butterfly site [New Window]
Information on moths and butterflies with color photos, views of life cycles, activities, resources, and Frequently Asked Questions. Links under "resources" accesses translations of site in German, Spanish, French, Italian, and Dutch.
Chronic Wasting Disease [New Window]
Information on National Wildlife Center research on Chronic Wasting Disease, a disease affecting the nervous system of elk, white-tailed deer and mule deer.
Coastal and Marine Geology Program [New Window]
Home page for Coastal and Marine Geology with links to topics of interest (sea level change, erosion, corals, pollution, sonar mapping, and others), Sound Waves monthly newsletter, field centers, regions of interest, and subject search system.
Columbia Environmental Research Center [New Window]
Website for the Columbia Environmental Research Center with links to staff, publications, databases, field stations, and projects including those on the Rio Grande, burrowing owls, sea turtles, and geospatial technology.
Contaminant exposure and effects--terrestrial vertebrates (CEE-TV) database [New Window]
The information provided in the CEE-TV database profiles available geo-referenced information on contaminant exposure and effects in terrestrial vertebrates along the U. S. coasts. The database utilizes Microsoft's Access 2000 for Windows.
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