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uccessful beneficiary from the Micro-Enterprise Loan Program applies her trade for income.

In Guyana, USAID has worked dili-gently to establish and build local partnerships. The Institute of Private Enterprise Development (IPED) - a financial institution established 20 years ago with support from USAID is one of these partners. USAID has worked with IPED to establish a spe-cific Micro-Financing Project for Peo-ple Living with HIV/AIDS in an effort to help them become more productive and independent individuals


Guyana Snapshot

Date of independence: 1966
Population: 760,000
Income per person: 11,700 yr

USAID Funding for Guyana


Mission Director
Peter Hubbard
U.S. Embassy
100 Young & Duke Streets, Georgetown, Guyana.
Tel: +592-225-7315 ext 4241

Desk Officer (Washington)
Robert Boncy
Guyana Desk Officer


OverviewMap of Guyana

Guyana manages a small, open economy with a domestic market limited by a very modest population (760,000 people).  A former British colony and the only English-speaking country in South America, Guyana still faces many development challenges: an especially vulnerable economy, rising crime, poor security, continued out-migration, the specter of HIV/AIDS, Trafficking in Persons (TIP) and a political climate that threatens its ability to consolidate democracy.  Despite these many challenges, an important opportunity now exists as a result of the Government of Guyana’s stated commitment to pursuing political and economic reform. 
In August 2007, Guyana signed a $ 6.7 million MCC Threshold Agreement with the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC).  The Program focuses on reducing Guyana’s fiscal deficit by improving its ability to collect revenue and better manage its budget.  Additionally, the program will help reduce the time and costs associated with starting a business by modernizing and streamlining the business registration process.
USAID is confident that its program interventions in the Economic growth, Democracy & Governance and Health sectors will support the government and people of Guyana in their efforts to overcome the many developmental challenges facing the country.



USAID’s health program focuses on HIV/AIDS. To reduce HIV transmission and mitigate the impact of AIDS, USAID supports the Government of Guyana by strengthening and expanding existing efforts to combat the disease.  A primary focus of the program is placed on preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS. Marketing efforts that target the entire public through behavior change communication reinforce healthy lifestyles by mobilizing the community to access prevention programs, testing, and treatment services. For persons living with HIV/AIDS, as well as those orphaned or vulnerable to the disease, care and support services are provided in addition to lifesaving anti-retroviral medications. The programs are also responsible for strengthening coordination and collaboration among key players, which include governmental and donor agencies.

Democracy And Governance:

USAID supports Guyana’s initiatives to improve and encourage greater citizen participation in democratic processes, transparency in governance and ethnic harmony for its citizens.  Principal partners are Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), The Guyana Elections Commission, the Ethnic Relations Commission, Neighborhood Democratic Councils, the media, and other local level organizations capable of influencing decision making
USAID also supports the Government of Guyana in its Trafficking in Persons (TIP) initiative to combat trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation and forced labor.

Economic Growth:

Economic Growth activities are centered on improving Guyana's economic competitiveness and providing support for economic and institutional reform to tap the country’s considerable potential as an exporter of value-added products.
Activities are aimed at implementing a market-led approach that provides Guyanese firms with the tools and information needed to increase their visibility and presence in North American and European export markets. Four sub-sectors- wood products, birding tourism, agri-business and aquaculture- are targeted by  concentrating on initiatives which: identify international buyers and penetrate export markets; enable firms and supply chains to respond to market opportunities; and  raise the capacity of sector-specific organizations to provide firms with the support they need to take advantage of export opportunities.


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Fri, 13 Jun 2008 16:13:05 -0500