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Electronic Crime Scene Investigation: A Guide for First Responders, Second Edition

by National Institute of JusticeApril 2008

Electronic Crime Scene Investigation: A Guide for First Responders, Second Edition is intended for first responders to a variety of crime scenes who may have the responsibility of protecting, recognizing, collecting, and preserving electronic evidence at the scene. The first chapter profiles the types of electronic devices commonly encountered in crime scenes, provides a general description of each type of device, and describes the potential evidence that may be found in each type of equipment. Chapter 2 lists the investigative tools and equipment recommended for the collection, packaging and transportation of electronic evidence. Chapter 3 focuses on securing and evaluating the crime scene, and outlines the steps necessary to ensure the safety of all persons at the scene while protecting the integrity of all evidence—traditional and electronic. Chapter 4 provides guidelines for documenting the scene while chapter 5 covers evidence-collection procedures. Chapter 6 then addresses procedures for packaging, transportation and storage of electronic evidence. The concluding chapter provides guidelines for the forensic examination of electronic evidence by 14 crime categories. A glossary completes the guide.