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§ 10.143 Motions. - Patent Rules

§ 10.143 Motions.

Motions may be filed with the administrative law judge. The administrative law judge will determine on a case-by-case basis the time period for response to a motion and whether replies to responses will be authorized. No motion shall be filed with the administrative law judge unless such motion is supported by a written statement by the moving party that the moving party or attorney for the moving party has conferred with the opposing party or attorney for the opposing party in an effort in good faith to resolve by agreement the issues raised by the motion and has been unable to reach agreement. If issues raised by a motion are resolved by the parties prior to a decision on the motion by the administrative law judge, the parties shall promptly notify the administrative law judge.

[Added 50 FR 5184, Feb. 6, 1985, effective Mar. 8, 1985]

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