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small noaa logo Home | Software & Data Sets | Emergency Responders
Information for those in government or private industry who respond to environmental emergencies involving the release of oil or chemicals.
A small version of the ADIOS icon. ADIOS2
Automated Data Inquiry for Oil Spills (ADIOS) is an oil weathering model that incorporates an extensive database of crude oils and refined products, and provides quick estimates of the expected changes in an oil's properties once it has spilled.
A small version of the ALOHA icon. ALOHA
Overview of ALOHA, a modeling program that estimates hazards (toxicity, flammability, thermal radiation, and overpressure) after a chemical release.
ALOHA Arc Tools
Tools you can download to import an ALOHA threat zone into ArcView 3.x or ArcMap 8.x or 9.x.
ALOHA's Limitations
Even when you provide the best input values possible, ALOHA (like any model) can be unreliable in certain situations, and it cannot model some types of releases at all.
GIS tool ARD GIS Tools
ARD Tools is a collection of Database and GIS tools that NOAA's Assessment and Restoration Division (ARD) has created to support the protection and restoration of coastal species and habitats. NOAA ARD and project partners can take advantage of these tools to support analysis, mapping and communication of complex spatial contaminant and restoration issues in a Watershed context.
List of articles about ALOHA. Articles include discussions of key program features and sample ALOHA scenarios.
Biological Resources
Animals and plants that may be impacted by oil spills are shown on ESI maps, along with other at-risk resources. There is also detailed information about their seasonality, concentrations, and breeding activities.
Overview of CAMEO, a database application for hazardous chemicals. Search for response recommendations in the chemical library, predict hazardous reactions, and manage EPCRA data.
Sketch of several chemical vials. CAMEO Chemicals
An easy-to-use, online tool for emergency responders and planners. Use this free Web site to search for chemicals, get response recommendations, and find out how chemicals would react if they mixed.
Small image of a chemical responder in protective gear. CAMEO Software Suite Programs
Tools for emergency responders and planners, including CAMEO, CAMEO Chemicals, ALOHA, and MARPLOT.
CAMEO Toolkit
Tools and information for CAMEO, ALOHA, and MARPLOT users, including frequently asked questions, help aids, and links to Web resources.
CAMEO Training
Information about CAMEO training, the instructor certification program, and schools that are using CAMEO programs to teach students about emergency response and planning.
Downloading ESI Maps and GIS Data
Find out what ESI products can be downloaded for free.
A small icon for the electronic ICS Forms. Electronic ICS Forms
Electronic versions of the ICS forms that are used by people responding to oil spills or hazardous chemical accidents, as well as other kinds of emergencies. We offer them in two formats: database and PDF.
A small section of an ESI map. Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) Maps
ESI maps help oil spill responders and planners to identify vulnerable coastal locations, establish protection priorities, and identify cleanup strategies.
ESI Data in Geodatabase Format
Download the latest GIS data in geodatabase format.
ESI Guidelines
This 2002 report summarizes the ESI mapping system and how this information is being developed and distributed using GIS technology.
ESI Toolbar
Use this suite of add-on tools to help you view and query ESI atlases that have been published in geodatabase format.
ESI Toolkit
Tools and resources for Environmental Sensitivity Index maps.
ESI Training
A new training module is now available for ESI users. The manual and associated training materials will help spill responders and planners learn to use ESI data in multiple formats.
ESI Viewers
Get the latest ESI Viewers, which were created to make it easier for ESI users (particularly those without access to ESRI's ArcMap software) to view and query digital ESI data.
Get ESI Maps and GIS Data
Find out how to order or download ESI maps and GIS data.
Drawing of a sinking tanker, leaking oil into the water. GNOME
The GNOME Development team has released a Location File for New York Harbor, plus an updated GNOME 1.3.0!
GNOME Listserver
A forum for discussions and announcements among users of GNOME, OR&R's spill trajectory software.
Human-Use Resources
Human-use resources (such as public beaches and parks) that may be impacted by oil spills are shown on ESI maps, along with other at-risk resources.
A small LandView image. LandView
Overview of LandView, a geographic data viewer that uses MARPLOT maps.
Levels of Concern
In ALOHA, an LOC is a threshold value of a hazard (toxicity, flammability, thermal radiation, or overpressure); it’s usually the value above which a threat to people or property may exist. For example, toxic LOCs (such as AEGLs, ERPGs, TEELs, and IDLHs) tell you what level of exposure to a chemical could be harmful if you breathe it in for a period of time.
A small version of the MARPLOT icon. MARPLOT
Overview of MARPLOT, CAMEO's mapping program. Create, view, and modify maps.
Description of the kinds of maps that MARPLOT can use.
People Using CAMEO
Discussion of some of the ways people use CAMEO.
Public Exposure Guidelines
Overview of AEGLs, ERPGs, and TEELs and how ALOHA uses these public exposure guidelines as Levels of Concern when modeling a toxic chemical release.
Overview of RMP*Comp, a program that helps chemical facilities that fall under the Risk Management Planning (RMP) rule complete their required offsite consequence analysis.
Shoreline Rankings
ESI shoreline rankings rate how sensitive an area would be to an oil spill.
icon for dispersant navigation. Spill Tools
A set of free programs designed for oil spill planners and responders, which you can download and use.
Spill Tools: An Oil Spill Response Exercise
A set of exercises to help responders and planners learn to use Spill Tools.
icon for chemical reactivity worksheet. The Chemical Reactivity Worksheet
The Worksheet is a free program you can use to find out about the reactivity of substances and mixtures of substances. Version 1.9.2 is now available for download.
Threat Zones and Other Output
Discussion of output from the ALOHA hazard model: threat zone plot, text summary, threat at a point, and source strength.
A small version of the Tier2 Submit icon. Tier2 Submit
Overview of Tier2 Submit, a software program developed to provide assistance to people who file Tier II reports under EPCRA. Tier2 Submit is fully compatible with CAMEO.
section of a tap program window. Trajectory Analysis Planner (TAP)
A software tool designed to help contingency planners protect regions against likely spills.
Using Maps to Evaluate Environmental Tradeoffs
Instructions and materials for an exercise in which you plan a protection strategy for a coastline threatened by an oil spill.
Working with ALOHA
Brief explanation of how ALOHA helps you get the hazard model information you need quickly during an emergency response.
Working with MARPLOT
Discussion of MARPLOT concepts, including map objects, layers, searching, and sharing data with CAMEO.
Workplace Exposure Limits
These limits (such as IDLHs, TLVs, PELs, and RELs) are intended to protect workers from excessive exposure to toxic chemicals in the workplace.
Current News:
Hurricane Ike Response Description of OR&R's on-going response to Hurricane Ike. (updated: September 22, 2008)
GNOME The GNOME Development team has released a Location File for New York Harbor, plus an updated GNOME 1.3.0! (updated: September 9, 2008)
SOS Workshops OR&R's Science of Oil Spills (SOS) Workshops focus on evaluating environmental risks during spills and making decisions to optimize environmental recovery. The next SOS Workshop is scheduled for October 21-23, 2008. (updated: August 11, 2008)
New Orleans Spill Incident: Barge DM932 NOAA OR&R's scientific support team is assisting the U.S. Coast Guard and the State of Louisiana in their response to the collision of vessels near New Orleans on July 23, 2008. (updated: July 29, 2008)
Of Special Note:
IncidentNews News and information on current and historical incidents, including the July 23, 2008 collision and oil spill in New Orleans, LA.
An FOSC's Guide to NOAA Scientific Support A guidebook for oil and chemical spill responders, describing the products and services that the NOAA Scientific Support Team (SST) can provide to Federal On-Scene Coordinators (FOSCs).
CAMEO Chemicals Web Portal A Web portal for CAMEO Chemicals, an easy-to-use, online tool for emergency responders and planners. Use this free Web site to search for chemicals, get response recommendations, and find out how chemicals would react if they mixed.
CAMEO Software Suite Programs Tools for emergency responders and planners, including CAMEO, CAMEO Chemicals, ALOHA, and MARPLOT.
• view all 12 special note items
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