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Some technologies or equipment may need to be commercialized after the research, development, testing, and evaluation process is complete. Although NIJ cannot bring products or technologies to market, the Office of Law Enforcement and Technology Commercialization (OLETC) can help.

Office of Law Enforcement and Technology Commercialization

OLETC is a specialty center within the National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center network that maintains a national program for commercialization of innovative technology to benefit law enforcement and corrections. This is accomplished by bringing the research community and industry together to develop affordable, marketable products.

At present, OLETC is assisting more than 100 technologists and entrepreneurs in bringing their products to market. Recent successes include an automatic license plate reader, a helmet that allows its wearer to “hear” through his or her bones, puncture-resistant latex gloves, some new less-lethal devices, and many more.

Commercialization Planning Workshop®

OLETC sponsors this workshop to provides the necessary tools, procedures, and training to understand and implement the commercialization process.

Mock Prison Riot™

OLETC conducts an annual 3-day demonstration and scenario training to showcase the latest advances in corrections technologies and give corrections practitioners hands-on experience.