Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division
Foreign Agricultural Service



August 13, 2003

EU-15: 2003 Grain Forecast by Country

Wheat, Corn and Barley Production Down Sharply

Wheat Situation

FAS/Washington estimates 2003/04 EU-15 wheat production at 94.5 million tons, a decrease of 5.0 million tons from last month, and 9 percent below last year's crop. Harvested area is estimated at 17.2 million hectares, unchanged from last month, and 3 percent below last year's level. The yield for this year's crop is estimated to be 5.49 tons per hectare, substantially lower than last year's level of 5.84 tons per hectare.

Winter crop planting conditions were generally favorable in western Europe last autumn, with the exception of excessive moisture in southern Germany. Winter and spring moisture levels in Spain were extremely favorable, and growing conditions were near normal in Italy and the United Kingdom. March and April were unusually dry in France and Germany. Abnormally high temperatures throughout the month of June damaged dry, vulnerable fields in northeastern Europe.

France is the largest wheat producer in the European Union, followed by Germany, United Kingdom, Italy, and Spain. These five countries usually produce around 85 percent of all the wheat in the European Union. High yields are achieved in northeastern Europe through intensive use of inputs. This year, however, spring chemical applications were disrupted by dryness, and the grain fill period was shortened by high temperatures in June.

Corn Situation

FAS/Washington estimates 2003/04 EU-15 corn production at 34.5 million tons, a decrease of 5.5 million tons from last month, and 13 percent below last year's crop. Harvested area is estimated at 4.3 million hectares, down 0.1 million from last month, and 1 percent below last year's level. The yield for this year's crop is estimated to be 7.99 tons per hectare, substantially lower than last year's level of 9.04  tons per hectare.

Corn planting conditions were generally favorable in western Europe this spring, but the summer months have been unusually hot and dry. Most of the corn in western Europe is irrigated, but water shortages have been reported in France and Italy, indicating that yields could be dramatically reduced. The Hanway Growth Model indicates that corn in southern and central France was tasseling in mid to late July, just before the recent heat wave.

Wheat, Corn and Barley Statistics

The tables below represent the details of the official USDA EU-15 grain totals.  The practice of reporting official monthly statistics for each individual country within the EU-15 ended in May 2002.  The numbers that appear below are provided as a convenience to USDA customers, but users are advised that there is no longer an official USDA production estimate for any individual country within the EU-15.  The only official USDA estimates are the EU-15 totals, which are the sums of the individual country statistics listed below. 

EU-15 Country Name Wheat Corn Barley
Year 2002 2003 2002 2003 2002 2003
Area Harvested
(1000 ha)
Austria 295 265 200 200 200 200
Bel/Lux 210 200 50 50 50 55
Denmark 580 630 0 0 830 750
Finland 170 160 0 0 520 540
France 5230 5000 1820 1745 1640 1730
Germany 3010 3015 395 440 1980 2095
Greece 600 610 120 120 180 180
Ireland 100 75 0 0 160 175
Italy 2380 2280 1140 1110 345 335
Netherlands 135 135 30 30 55 60
Portugal 225 180 150 160 15 10
Spain 2400 2360 460 465 3100 3030
Sweden 340 420 0 0 410 360
UK 2000 1850 0 0 1080 1100
Austria 4.88 4.53 9.80 9.50 4.30 4.50
Bel/Lux 8.14 7.75 10.40 11.00 7.60 6.73
Denmark 6.97 7.46 0.00 0.00 4.92 5.20
Finland 3.35 3.44 0.00 0.00 3.35 3.06
France 7.46 6.50 8.90 7.74 6.71 5.78
Germany 6.91 6.70 9.11 7.05 5.56 5.16
Greece 1.93 2.02 7.00 7.92 2.39 2.39
Ireland 9.00 8.13 0.00 0.00 6.25 6.11
Italy 3.11 2.94 9.47 8.11 3.59 3.40
Netherlands 7.85 8.15 9.00 6.67 5.73 5.50
Portugal 1.73 1.72 5.67 5.00 1.33 1.00
Spain 2.79 2.92 9.57 9.68 2.68 2.97
Sweden 6.18 6.07 0.00 0.00 4.34 4.17
UK 8.03 7.78 0.00 0.00 5.73 5.64
(1000 tons)
Austria 1440 1200 1960 1900 860 900
Bel/Lux 1710 1550 520 550 380 370
Denmark 4040 4700 0 0 4080 3900
Finland 570 550 0 0 1740 1650
France 39000 32500 16200 13500 11000 10000
Germany 20800 20200 3600 3100 11000 10800
Greece 1160 1230 840 950 430 430
Ireland 900 610 0 0 1000 1070
Italy 7400 6700 10800 9000 1240 1140
Netherlands 1060 1100 270 200 315 330
Portugal 390 310 850 800 20 10
Spain 6700 6900 4400 4500 8300 9000
Sweden 2100 2550 0 0 1780 1500
UK 16050 14400 0 0 6190 6200
Total Area Harvested EU-15 17675 17180 4365 4320 10565 10620
Total Yield EU-15 5.85 5.50 9.04 7.99 4.58 4.45
Total Production EU-15 103320 94500 39440 34500 48335 47300

Other USDA Resources on the Internet

Web Updates

EU-15:  Oilseed and Rice Forecast by Country, 7/14/03
Germany:  Field Travel Reveals Conditions and Trends, 6/19/03
EU-15:  Grain Forecast by Country, 5/13/03
EU Enlargement:  Eastern Germany Crop Yield Increases Herald Changes in Central Europe, 1/13/03

Global Agriculture Information Network (GAIN) Reports

European Union, Oilseeds and Products Annual, 2003, E23144, 8/1/03
European Union, Grain and Feed Annual 2003, E23086, 6/2/03
European Union, Grain and Feed Semi-Annual 2003, E23001, 1/6/03

Interactive Tools

For crop conditions in the European Union and throughout the world, visit Crop Explorer

For current and historical official USDA data on production, supply and distribution of agricultural commodities for the European Union and much of the world, visit PS&D Online

For more information, contact Jim Tringe
with the Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division, at (202)720-0882

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