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Records Schedule


NARA Records Schedule - Chapter 13

August 7, 2007

Federal Agencies and Records

These operational records relate to NARA programs engaged in promoting efficient management of agency records administration programs; appraising records of Federal agencies and scheduling the records for disposition; and transferring, storing, and servicing agency records stored in records centers. This chapter also covers the Case Management and Reporting System in use at NARA's National Personnel Records Center (NPRC)-Military Personnel Records (MPR) in St. Louis, Missouri, and the Records Center Program Billing System (RCPBS).


1301 Records Administration Program Subject Files 
  Correspondence and related records documenting policies, procedures, and standards of Office programs, including adequacy of documentation, agency program evaluations, audiovisual records, electronic records, files maintenance, records disposition, and vital records. 
1301-1 Records maintained by the Office of Records Services - Washington, DC, Modern Records Programs (NWM). For targeted assistance files, records are maintained by all NARA units involved in targeted assistance projects. (See file no. 1301-1c.) 
  a. Agency correspondence files consisting of correspondence with or about specific agencies. Arranged by name of agency. Cut off annually. Destroy when 5 years old. (N1-64-91-1)
  b. General subject files consisting of correspondence, reports, and other records relating to all aspects of records administration, including records disposition policies and procedures, NARA-sponsored training, files maintenance, agency program evaluations, and similar matters. Arranged alphabetically by subject. PERMANENT. Cut off annually. Transfer to NARA in 5-year blocks when 10 years old. (N1-64-91-1)
  c. Targeted assistance project files (maintained by all NARA units involved in targeted assistance projects). Consists of Memorandum of Understanding, project reports, correspondence with the agency and other NARA units concerning the project, and other project documentation. Cut off closed projects at the end of the fiscal year. Destroy 10 years after cutoff. (N1-64-00-9, item 1)

NOTE: File record copies of Standard Form (SF) 115, Request for Records Disposition Authority, with related documentation under file no. 1309, "Records Disposition Case Files." File records establishing general policies and procedures for the program under file no. 1301-1b.
1301-2 Records maintained by other offices. Destroy when no longer needed for current operations. (N1-64-87-1)
1302 Agency Evaluation Files 
  Correspondence, reports, agency action plans, and other records relating to NARA evaluations or inspections of Federal records management programs. 
1302-1 Final draft reports, agency comments, final reports, agency action plans, and final correspondence on implementation of NARA recommendations. Maintained by NWM. Arranged alphabetically by name of agency. PERMANENT. Cut off at the end of the fiscal year in which case file is closed. Transfer to NARA in 5-year blocks when 10 years old. (N1-64-87-1)
1302-2 Other records maintained by NWM. Destroy when related records are transferred to NARA or when no longer needed, whichever is sooner. (N1-64-87-1)
1302-3 Records maintained by the Office of Regional Records Services (NR). Destroy when 5 years old. (N1-64-87-1)
1302-4 Records maintained by records centers. Destroy when 3 years old. (N1-64-87-1)
1303 Agency Records Center Case Files 
  Correspondence, reports, and other records pertaining to records centers operated by or for a Federal agency. Cut off when the record center is no longer in operation and place in inactive file. Destroy when 3 years old. (N1-64-87-1)
1304 Agency Correspondence Files 
  Correspondence and other records sent to and received from Federal agencies, including deficiency letters (NA Form 13057, Deficiencies in Records Transfer Paperwork, and NA Form 13028, Deficiencies in Record Shipments) and other routine correspondence relating to records center programs. Cut off annually. Place documents of continuing value in the next year's file. Destroy when 3 years old. (N1-64-87-1)
1305 Records Management Workshop, Conference, and Training Course Files 
1305-1 Correspondence, notices, applications, attendance records, and administrative forms pertaining to records management workshops, conferences, and training courses. (See file no. 412 for billing documents.) Cut off annually. Destroy when 3 years old. (N1-64-87-1)
1305-2 Training materials, including course outlines, handouts, view graphs, and reference files. Destroy when superseded or obsolete. (N1-64-87-1)
1306 Case Files on Archival Records in Agency Custody 
  Records maintained to monitor the status of archival record series NOT yet accessioned by NW or NR. Arranged alphabetically by name of agency and thereunder by record series. 
1306-1 Retained records database. Electronic database describing identified series of unscheduled or permanent records over 30 years old which are maintained by the originating or successor agency. Information about the series includes location, schedule authority, media and contents of records, and efforts by NARA units to secure the transfer of the records to NARA. 
  a. Inputs in electronic or paper form. 
      (1) Inputs received by the Lifecycle Management Division (NWML) from other NARA units. Destroy upon verification of input. (N1-64-93-3)
      (2) Inputs maintained by other units. Destroy when no longer needed. (N1-64-93-3)
  b. Master files. Cut off when transfer has been secured, records destroyed, or all efforts to secure transfer have been dropped. Transfer to inactive file regularly. Cut off inactive file annually. Destroy when 5 years old or when no longer needed, whichever is sooner. (N1-64-93-3)
  c. Outputs. 
      (1) Statistical, Tabular, and Narrative Reports. Destroy when no longer needed. (N1-64-93-3)
      (2) Individual Report of Transferred Series (transferring unit). Merge with file no. 1405-1, "Records Accession Files: Accession Dossiers," when records are received in custodial unit. (N1-64-93-3)
1306-2 Records maintained by the custodial units. Merge with file no. 1405-1 when the first portion of the record series is accessioned. (N1-64-90-1)

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1307 Appraisal Job Control Register  
  Registers maintained by NWML to record and identify requests for internal and external disposition authorities and offers of unscheduled records. Each entry includes the name of the agency, the job number, number of items, date received, date signed by the Archivist, and date closed. Arranged by record group number. PERMANENT. Cut off annually. Transfer to NARA in 10-year blocks when 10 years old. (N1-64-87-1)
1308 Appraisal Job Control Tracking System Files  
  Flexible magnetic disks containing information used in tracking the status of records disposition requests (SF 115s) and offers of records to NARA (SF 258s) from date of registration to date of completion of the job. Files include date of registration, job number, number of items, appraiser's name, date of last action, action code, and NARA units sent for action. Files are updated monthly and data on closed jobs are transferred to an annual history file.  
1308-1 Forms used to furnish input data. Cut off monthly. Destroy after verification of input data. (N1-64-87-1)
1308-2 Annual history file. Cut off annually. Destroy when 2 years old or sooner if no longer needed for reference. (N1-64-87-1)
1309 Records Disposition Case Files  
  Requests for Records Disposition Authority (SF 115s), appraisal reports, endorsement sheets, public comments, and other records relating to internal and external dispositions. 
1309-1 External disposition records maintained in NWML. Arranged by record group number. 
  a. Paper copy. PERMANENT. Cut off when 2 years old. Retire to records center after microfilming. Transfer to NARA 10 years after cutoff in 2-year blocks. (N1-64-87-1)
  b. Microfilm. Destroy when no longer needed for reference. (N1-64-90-1)
1309-2 Internal disposition records maintained in NWML. Arranged by record group number. PERMANENT. Cut off every 5 years. Transfer to NARA in 5-year blocks when 5 years old. (N1-64-87-1)
1309-3 Other copies, including those in custodial units and records centers. Destroy when no longer needed for reference. (N1-64-87-1)
1310 Rejected or Canceled Offers of Records  
1310-1 Agreements to Transfer Records to the National Archives of the United States (SF 258s), appraisal reports, endorsement sheets, and related correspondence accumulated by NWML in the process of rejecting offers of Federal records to NW and NR, or canceled offers of records. Arranged by year and thereunder by record group number. PERMANENT. Cut off annually. Transfer to NARA in 10-year blocks when 10 years old. (N1-64-87-1)
1310-2 Files maintained by records centers. Cut off annually. Destroy when 5 years old. (N1-64-87-1)
1310-3 Copies maintained by custodial units. Disposal not authorized. Disposition to be determined at a later date.
1311 Federal Register Disposition Documentation Case Files  
1311-1 Federal Register Notice Publication Files. Correspondence, copies of notices, copies of SF 115s, and other records accumulated in publishing notices of records dispositions in the Federal Register. Cut off after commenting period stated in the Federal Register. Destroy when 1 year old. (N1-64-00-9, item 2a)
1311-2 Federal Register Notice Comments File. Requests from the public for copies of SF 115s, comments received via correspondence and e-mail, and copies of NARA's responses to requests and comments. Cut off after commenting period stated in the Federal Register. Destroy when 5 years old. (N1-64-00-9, item 2b)

NOTE: File copies of requests, comments, and NARA's responses in the appropriate Records Disposition Case File under file no. 1309.
1312 Reserved  

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1313 Records Centers Program Subject Files 
  Correspondence, reports, and other related records maintained by NR relating to the policies, procedures, and general administration of the Records Centers program. Arranged alphabetically by subject. Cut off annually. Place documents of continuing value in the next year's file. Destroy when 10 years old. (N1-64-87-1)
1314 Agency/Records Center Agreement Files 
  Correspondence, copies of agreements, and related records pertaining to reimbursable and non-reimbursable agreements between NARA and Federal agencies. Included are agreements for early retirement of records and/or special reference services, agreements relating to military and civilian personnel and health records, and similar agreements.  
1314-1 Documents relating to national agreements. Cut off after agreement is terminated. Destroy when 3 years old. (N1-64-87-1)
1314-2 Documents relating to Records Center-negotiated agreements. Cut off after agreement is terminated. Destroy when 3 years old. (N1-64-87-1)
1315 Records Center Reports and Correspondence 
  Major activities and accomplishment reports, monthly narrative reports, unscheduled records project reports, performance analysis reports, statistical summaries, space and equipment reports, similar reports, and related correspondence. (See file nos. 1316, 1317, and 1326 for automated output reports.) 
1315-1 Reports maintained by NR. Destroy when 7 years old or when no longer needed, whichever is sooner. (N1-64-87-1)
1315-2 Reports maintained by records centers. Destroy when 3 years old 0r when no longer needed, whichever is sooner. (N1-64-87-1)
1315-3 Reports pertaining to precious metals. Cut off annually. Destroy when 3 years old. (N1-64-87-1)
1316 TASK System 
  Automated data base and related records created for administrative purposes to show individual, unit, and center productivity measurements. The TASK system also serves as a feeder system to the Automated Statistical Summary. (See file no. 1317.) 
1316-1 Input forms. 
  a. Short-term: Organization Master Entries, Master Transaction Entries, Batch Cards, and Employee Master Transaction Entry. Destroy after information has been keyed onto disk file and verification is complete. (N1-64-87-1)
  b. Long-term: Productivity Record and Batch Card and TASK Daily Work Log.
  • If used as input source documentation for RCPBS:
    Cut off at end of fiscal year. Destroy when 3 years old. (N1-64-05-9, item 1)
  • Otherwise:
    Destroy when 6 months old or when no longer needed for administrative purposes, whichever is shorter. (N1-64-87-1)
1316-2 Output reports. 
  a. Employee performance measurements, including General Performance Appraisal System (GPAS) reports supporting employee performance appraisal files; and individual monthly and yearly reports. (See also file no. 305.) Destroy 3 years after the date of appraisal or when no longer needed. (N1-64-87-1)
  b. Individual Weekly Summary Report. Destroy when Individual Monthly Summary Report has been verified. (N1-64-87-1)
  c. Feeder reports used to prepare summary reports, including Microfilm Job Summary, Weekly Summary, Monthly Summary, and Center Statistical Summary. Destroy when no longer needed to prepare the summary report, or 3 months after close of fiscal year. (N1-64-87-1)
  d. Weekly Productivity Reconciliation Validation Edit Report. Destroy after corrections have been made to the transaction file. (N1-64-87-1)
1316-3 Automated files. 
  a. Program and documentation files containing machine instructions designed to add or retrieve information to or from specific data systems and related written documentation files. 
      (1) Files maintained at records centers. Overwrite when modified or destroy when system is no longer is use. (N1-64-87-1)
      (2) Files maintained by the Regional Operations Branch (NHTR). Destroy when modified or 5 years after program is no longer in use. (N1-64-87-1)
  b. Intermediate input-output files consisting of data that is manipulated, sorted, or moved from one computer run to a subsequent run and is used in the process of updating a master file. Delete after information has been transferred to the master file and verified. (GRS 20, item 1b)
  c. TASK system master file.. 
      (1) Files maintained at records centers. Destroy when system is modified OR no longer in use. (N1-64-87-1)
      (2) Files maintained by NHTR. Destroy 2 years after close of fiscal year. (N1-64-87-1)
1317 Automated Statistical Summary System 
  Automated management information system which provides statistics on a monthly basis on major functional areas, staff time expended, and workload. Information is used for budgeting and planning purposes. 
1317-1 Input keyed by individual records centers. Destroy after information has been keyed onto disk file and verification is complete. (N1-64-87-1)
1317-2 Statistical Summary Report. 
  a. Record copy maintained in NR. Arranged chronologically. PERMANENT. Transfer to NARA in 5-year blocks when 20 years old. (N1-64-87-1)
  b. Copies in records centers. Destroy when no longer needed for administrative purposes. (N1-64-87-1)
1317-3 Automated files. 
  a. Program and documentation files consisting of machine instructions designed to add or retrieve information to or from specific data systems and attendant written documentation files. 
      (1) Files maintained at records centers. Overwrite when modified or destroy when system is no longer in use. (N1-64-87-1)
      (2) Files maintained by NHTR. Destroy when modified or 5 years after program is no longer in use. (N1-64-87-1)
  b. Intermediate input-output files containing data that is manipulated, sorted, or moved from one computer run to a subsequent run and is used in the process of updating a master file. Delete after information has been transferred to the master file and verified. (GRS 20, item 1b)
  c. Master files. 
      (1) Files maintained at records centers: Employee Master File. Destroy when system is modified or no longer in use. (N1-64-87-1)
      (2) Files maintained by NHTR. Destroy 13 months after close of fiscal year in which they were created. (N1-64-87-1)
1318 Records Center Inspection Files 
  Correspondence, reports, and other records relating to NR's inspection of records centers. 
1318-1 Records maintained by NR. Cut off annually. Destroy when 10 years old. (N1-64-87-1)
1318-2 Records maintained by records centers. Cut off annually. Destroy when 5 years old. (N1-64-87-1)
1319 Records Center Quality Control Files 
  Memoranda, reports, statistical summaries, charts, working papers, and other records documenting quality control in records centers. (See file no. 305 for performance records for individual employees.) Cut off annually. Destroy when 3 years old. (N1-64-87-1)

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1320 Records Transmittal and Receipt (SF 135) File 
1320-1 SF 135s, SF 135As, and related records for holdings transferred to the National Archives for permanent retention. Transfer original to the National Archives with related holdings. Place copy in inactive file after records are transferred. Cut off inactive file annually. Destroy when 10 years old. (N1-64-87-1)
1320-2 SF 135s, SF 135As, and related records for holdings that are NOT permanent.  
  a. Those SF 135s and related records received after the implementation of the NARS-5 system. Place in inactive file after records have been destroyed. Cut off annually. Destroy when 10 years old. (N1-64-87-1)
  b. Those SF 135s and related records received prior to the implementation of the NARS-5 system. Place in inactive file after records have been destroyed. Cut off annually. Destroy when 10 years old, unless required for continuing reference purposes. (N1-64-87-1)
1321 Accession Register 
  Documents, prepared by records centers to log incoming shipments of records retired by Federal agencies, containing the following entries: accession number, agency, agency address, date accession number assigned, date records received (pending), date records shelved, dates SF 135 signed and returned (completed), anticipated volume, actual volume received, and records center location. Cut off annually. Destroy when 5 years old provided necessary information has been converted to NARS-5 system. (N1-64-87-1)
1322 Accession and Disposal Exception Files 
  Documents pertaining to the authorization and implementation of exceptions to normal accessioning and disposition practices in the records centers. 
1322-1 NR and Washington National Records Center (WNRC) Case Files. 
  a. Freeze Files (arranged alphabetically by freeze code). Destroy 10 years after freeze has been lifted. (N1-64-87-1)
  b. Contingent Appraisal Pending (CAP) Files and Contingent Reappraisal Pending (CRP) Files. Destroy 2 years after exception is lifted. (N1-64-87-1)
  c. Other contingent exceptions. Destroy 10 years after exception has been lifted. (N1-64-87-1)
  d. Unscheduled exceptions. Destroy 1 year after exception is terminated. (N1-64-87-1)
  e. All other exceptions. Destroy 1 year after exception is terminated. (N1-64-87-1)
1322-2 Records Centers Action Files.  
  a. Freeze Files (arranged alphabetically by freeze code). Destroy 2 years after exception is terminated. (N1-64-87-1)
  b. All other exceptions. Destroy 1 year after exception is terminated. (N1-64-87-1)
1323 Records Center Unscheduled Records Tracking System Files 
  Files created to track progress on appraising and scheduling unscheduled records in the records centers. Destroy when information is no longer needed. (N1-64-87-1)
1324 Records Center Unscheduled and Permanent Records Report 
  Report monitoring the status of unscheduled and permanent records in the records centers. Cut off annually. Destroy when 2 years old. (N1-64-87-1)
1325 Pending Schedules Implementation Files 
  Correspondence, printouts, and other records pertaining to pending implementation of agency records schedules. Destroy 1 year after implementation of the schedule or when no longer needed for reference, whichever is later. (N1-64-87-1)
1326 NARS-5 System 
  Automated accession control system used for administrative tracking and control of accessions into, movement within, and disposal or transfer of records from a records center. The system also provides statistical information and "space available" information through the "Space Information System" (SIS) subsystem (See file no. 1326-2[d]).  
1326-1 Forms and reports, documenting input actions to NARS-5, such as: NA Form 13116, Records Center Holdings Control Input; NA Form 13117, Mass Data Change Worksheet; Disposal Accomplished Report (Report 88); and Disposal Change Report (Report 89).
  • If used as input source documentation for RCPBS:
    Cut off at end of fiscal year. Destroy when 3 years old. (N1-64-05-9, item 1)
  • Otherwise:
    Cut off annually. Destroy when 1 year old or when no longer needed for administrative purposes, whichever is sooner. (N1-64-87-1)
1326-2 NARS-5 output reports.  
  a. Feeder reports used to prepare summary reports, including One Time/Special Inquiry Reports: Reports 04, 05, 08, 09, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 35, 36, 44, and 45. Destroy when no longer needed to prepare the summary report or 3 months after close of fiscal year. (N1-64-87-1)
  b. Edit reports of input errors, including Transaction Validity Error Report (Report 19), Transaction Logical Error Report (Report 20), and SIS Error Cycles 2 and 3 reports. Destroy after corrections have been made to the transaction file. (N1-64-87-1)
  c. NARS-5 periodic reports.  
      (1) Monthly reports: Accession Number Master List (Report 01); Record Group Profile (Summary) Listing (Report 02); and Records Center Profile (Summary) Listing (Report 03). Destroy when superseded. (N1-64-87-1)
      (2) Semiannual and annual (FY) reports: Record Group Profile (Summary) Listing (Report 02); Records Center Profile (Summary) Listing (Report 03); Stack Sequence Report (Report 06); Location Report (Report 07); Annual Report of Holdings and Disposals by Record Group (Report 24); Retention Report (Report 37); and Auditors Report (Report 43). Cut off annually and destroy when 1 year old or when no longer needed for administrative purposes, whichever is longer. (N1-64-87-1)
      (3) NARS-5 history reports: Withdrawal Report (Report 11) and Withdrawal Report 2 (Report 21). Destroy when no longer needed for reference purposes. (N1-64-87-1)
      (4) NARS-5 edit files: IVF Update Report (Report 28) and Disposal Authority Master List. Destroy when superseded. (N1-64-87-1)
      (5) Disposal pull list: Copy of Disposal Approved Report (Report 22), annotated with signed certification indicating that disposal records were removed from the shelves and, where required, that the destruction of the records was witnessed; and Disposal Concurrence Report (Report 23). Cut off at the end of fiscal year in which the disposal is accomplished. Destroy when 10 years old. (N1-64-87-1)
  d. Space Information System (SIS): Reserve Master Listings, Available Space by Location Report, and Available Space by Volume Report. Destroy when superseded. (N1-64-87-1)
1326-3 Automated Files. 
  a. Program and documentation files consisting of machine instructions designed to add or retrieve information to or from specific data systems and related written documentation files. 
      (1) Files maintained at records centers. Overwrite when modified or destroy when no longer in use. (N1-64-87-1)
      (2) Files maintained by NHTR. Destroy when modified or 5 years after program is no longer in use. (N1-64-87-1)
  b. Intermediate input-output files consisting of data that is manipulated, sorted, or moved from one computer run to a subsequent run and is used in the process of updating a master file. Delete after information has been transferred to the master file and verified. (GRS 20, item 1b)
  c. Master Files maintained by NHTR.  
      (1) Report 21 and Withdrawal Report 2. Destroy when 25 years old. (N1-64-87-1)
      (2) NARS-5 Master File. Cut off at end of fiscal year. Delete or overwrite when 3 years old or when no longer needed for administrative use, whichever is sooner. (N1-64-95-2, item 2b)

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1327 Reference Request Files 
  Reference requests and related records used to document the loan or permanent withdrawal of records from a records center.  
1327-1 Optional Forms (OF) 11 (charge out copy) used to document the loan of records.
  • If used as input source documentation for RCPBS:
    Cut off at end of fiscal year. Destroy when 3 years old. (N1-64-05-9, item 1)
  • Otherwise:
    Destroy when file(s) is/are returned. (N1-64-87-1)
1327-2 OF 11s (charge out copy) used to document the permanent withdrawal of entire boxes. Place in file with corresponding SF 135 after NARS-5 has been updated and the SF 135 annotated. Dispose of in accordance with the disposition instructions for the related SF 135. (See file no. 1320.) (N1-64-87-1)
1327-3 Centers Information Processing System (CIPS). Automated system used for documenting, tracking, and reporting loans and permanent withdrawals from a records center. 
  a. Reference Request History File. Cut off at the end of the fiscal year. Delete when 25 years old. (N1-64-95-2, item 3a)
  b. CIPS User Database. Apply disposition for file no. 1329-1. (N1-64-95-2, item 3b)
1328 Reference Service Correspondence Files 
  Documents created in filling requests for information and reproductions of records center holdings or authentication of reproductions. Included are correspondence requesting reproduction or authentication service, price quotations, reproduction or authentication service orders, and related records. (Documentation for reproduction or authentication involving a Privacy Act system of records should be retained in accordance with applicable agency procedures.) Retain for 90 days or until no longer needed, whichever is sooner. (N1-64-87-1)
1329 Research Application and Authorization Files 
  Documents accumulated in authorizing private citizens and Federal employees access to records in the custody of the center. Included are applications, letters authorizing or denying access, documents demonstrating the security clearance of personnel involved in the Declassification program, and related correspondence. (Documentation for access to a Privacy Act system of records should be retained in accordance with applicable agency procedures.)  
1329-1 Researcher Application Forms. Cut off annually. Retire to records center when 1 year old. Destroy when 25 years old. (N1-64-87-1)
1329-2 Other records. Cut off annually, bringing forward documents still in effect. Destroy remaining file when 3 years old. (N1-64-87-1)
1330 Register of Visitors 
  Forms, logs, and related records recording date of visit and name of visitor. Cut off annually. Retire to records center when 1 year old. Destroy when 25 years old. (N1-64-87-1)

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1331 Permanent Records Transfer Files 
  Record Center documentation including correspondence, NARS-5 printouts, and other records used in facilitating the transfer of permanent records from records centers to the National Archives. (See also file no. 1405-3, "Records Accession Files: Working papers and copies in other offices.") Place in inactive file after permanent records have been transferred to the National Archives. Cut off inactive file annually. Destroy when 10 years old. (N1-64-87-1)
1332 Notices of Eligibility for Disposal Files 
  NA Forms 13001, Notices of Eligibility for Disposal (returned from the agency), and related correspondence requesting that an accession or part of an accession NOT be destroyed.  
1332-1 Documents relating to requests which were approved by the records center. Place in file with corresponding SF 135 after NARS-5 has been updated and the SF 135 has been annotated. Dispose of in accordance with disposition instructions for the related SF 135. (See file no. 1320.) (N1-64-87-1)
1332-2 Documents relating to requests which were NOT approved by the records center. Place in file with corresponding SF 135 after the records have been destroyed or returned to the agency, NARS-5 has been updated, and the SF 135 has been annotated. Dispose of in accordance with disposition instructions for the related SF 135. (See file no. 1320.) (N1-64-87-1)
1333 Agency Review for Contingent Disposal Files 
  NA Forms 13000, Agency Review for Contingent Disposal (returned from the agency), and related correspondence.  
1333-1 Notices indicating that a complete accession can be destroyed. Place in file with corresponding SF 135 after NARS-5 has been updated and the SF 135 has been annotated. Dispose of in accordance with the disposition instructions for the related SF 135. (See file no. 1320.) (N1-64-87-1)
1333-2 Notices indicating that an accession or part of an accession CANNOT be destroyed. Place in file with corresponding SF 135 after NARS-5 has been updated and the SF 135 has been annotated. Dispose of in accordance with the disposition instructions for the related SF 135. (See file no. 1320.) (N1-64-87-1)
1334 Records Disposal Authorization Correspondence  
1334-1 Correspondence received from agencies, which was NOT part of the regular quarterly disposal cycle, authorizing the disposal of records. Place in file with corresponding SF 135 after all necessary action has been taken. Dispose of in accordance with the disposition instructions for the related SF 135. (See file no. 1320.) (N1-64-90-1)
1334-2 Correspondence regarding disposal of courtesy-stored records of Members of Congress. Cut off at end of congressional term when member departs Congress. Destroy 10 years later. (N1-64-90-1)

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1335 NR/Records Center Project Control Files 
  Correspondence and other records relating to projects undertaken by NR and individual records centers. (See file no. 1336 for Micrographic Project Files.) Cut off following completion of the project. Destroy when 2 years old. (N1-64-87-1)
1336 Micrographic Project/Agreement Files 
1336-1 Agency job files. Documentation for small, short-term jobs, including NA Forms 13090, Microfilm Project Reports; agreements; and/or copies of purchasing documents filed by agency or agency subdivision. Cut off after project is completed. Destroy when 3 years old. (N1-64-87-1)
1336-2 Official project files, including pre-project negotiation files and working project files; formal agreements; and/or copies of purchasing documents. Cut off after project is completed. Destroy when 3 years old. (N1-64-87-1)
1337 Micrographics Program Files 
1337-1 Micrographics equipment inventories, equipment production rate records, histories of repairs, and related records. Destroy 1 year after disposal of equipment. (N1-64-87-1)
1337-2 Fiscal year work program files. Cut off annually. Destroy when 3 years old. (N1-64-87-1)
1337-3 Micrographics reference files. Destroy when superseded or obsolete. (N1-64-87-1)
1338 - 1339 Reserved 

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1340 Case Management and Reporting System 
  The Case Management and Reporting System (CMRS) manages customer requests for military personnel, medical, and organizational records stored at NPRC-MPR in St. Louis, Missouri. CMRS is used to manage and equalize staff workload; cases are assigned to individual staff members based on resource availability and existing caseload. In addition, the system:
  • Maintains data regarding each request;
  • Helps to locate the appropriate folder for the veteran in question;
  • Identifies duplicate requests and groups them for assignment to the same staff member;
  • Manages efficient retrieval of folders from the shelves, tracks removed folders, and facilitates folder refiling;
  • Processes copies of selected military documents;
  • Produces any needed correspondence with the customer; and
  • Facilitates document shipment to the customer.
Requests for documents or information are received by letter, form, or as a paper SF 180, Request Pertaining to Military Records, sent via the USPS, by commercial delivery service or fax, or electronically via a web interface. Ultimately, all documentation is entered into the CMRS database.
1340-1 Customer requests ("Scanned paper"). SF 180s, forms, and letters requesting copies of documents or information contained in an Official Military Personnel Folder (OMPF), medical record, or in organizational records. Also includes web-generated signature sheets. All documents are "hard copies" and are imaged. Digital images are retained in the CMRS database. Destroy paper originals 30 days after assignment of case to a technician or 30 days after case is closed, whichever comes first. (GRS 20, item 2a)
1340-2 CMRS data gathered and/or generated as the result of receiving and processing a customer request for copies of documents or information from an OMPF, medical record, or an organizational record. A "logical record" in the database is based upon a specific request rather than on the veteran. Data include:
  • Date, nature, and purpose of disclosure and name and address of requester (commonly called "access information");
  • Name and service number of veteran;
  • Processing information;
  • Images of requester documentation;
  • Response documents; and
  • Customer contacts and work notes generated by staff working a case.
Disposal not authorized. Disposition to be determined at a later date.
1340-3 Registry File. Automated Index with locations of certain OMPFs and medical records located at NPRC. CMRS accesses this file to determine location of requested records for retrieval. Destroy when no longer needed for administrative use. (N1-64-03-7, item 3)
1340-4 All other documentation generated as part of the fulfillment process. Includes Finding Aid Reports (FARS) and charge-out cards. Destroy when no longer needed. (N1-64-03-7, item 4)
1340-5 System documentation. Destroy when superseded or obsolete. (GRS 20, item 11a)


1341 Records Center Program Billing System (RCPBS) 
  The automated financial "charge-back" system used by the Records Center Program (RCP) and Revolving Fund for collection, transaction generation, accounting, and invoicing of Federal agencies for the storage and servicing of Federal records stored at NARA's federal records centers. RCPBS produces customer invoices and exports them to the General Services Administration (GSA) for billing Federal agencies. The RCPBS is a hybrid of five distinct and loosely coupled subsystems: Data Collection, Transaction Generation, Accounting, Reporting, and System Administration.  
1341-1 Input/Source Documentation. Records used to determine storage and services charges. Includes customer service requests and internal NARA-generated operational data used to process requests, track work accomplished, and support billing information entry by the Centers into the Web Tally portion of RCPBS. Hardcopy records may include: IRS batch sheets, TASK Daily Work Logs, and completed Web Tally data entry sheets. Electronic data may include extracts from: Center-specific databases and barcode reader systems, CIPS request summaries, the NARS-5 34 Report and Daily Transactions, Web Tally, and the Case Management and Reporting System (CMRS). Cut off at end of fiscal year. Destroy when 3 years old. (N1-64-05-9, item 1)
1341-2 RCPBS Electronic Data Files 
  a. RCPBS Electronic Data File (Data Collection Subsystem). RCPBS data collected, gathered and/or generated as the result of receiving and processing customer requests for services. Data includes: date, nature, and purpose of storage or service requested, customer name and address, customer agreement number, and other information. This data serves as the input for the Transaction Generation subsystem (see file no. 1341-2b). Break data file at the close of each fiscal year. Delete all data following creation of annual "data package" described in file no. 1341-2c. (N1-64-05-9, item 2a)
  b. Data processing files (Transaction Generation Subsystem). Text files generated by the subsystem used for aggregating source records, turning transactions into a record format compatible for entry to NARA's accounting software, and error reporting. Delete after information has been transferred to the master file and verified. (GRS 20, item 1b)
  c. Fiscal Year Billing Data (Accounting Subsystem). One year extract of RCPBS data, taken annually following the acceptance of annual independent audit. This extract includes source data (data on agency use), the Combined Billing Generator (CBG) file, other NR-provided services, plus electronic version of invoices sent to agencies. Cut off at end of fiscal year. Destroy when 6 years, 3 months old. (N1-64-05-9, item 2c)
1341-3 Output 
  a. Omnibus copy of invoices (Accounting Subsystem). File and associated transmittal generated by the Accounting subsystem (Combined Billing Generator) and sent to the financial management system service provider. Destroy 6 years and 3 months after period covered by account. (GRS 6, item 1a)
  b. Management Data. Extract of data used by managers to conduct longitudinal and other analyses of the RCP. Disposal not authorized. Disposition to be determined at a later date.
1341-4 Electronic software program Break RCPBS software following each major or routine version change. Delete when no longer needed to support program mission. (N1-64-05-9, item 4)
1341-5 System documentation Destroy final version 7 years after system is retired. (N1-64-05-9, item 5)
1341-6 Backups of Files 
  a. Incremental Backups: Daily backups (usually made after the close of business) of system transactions made on that day only. Destroy at the end of each week after full backup is made and verified. (N1-64-02-2, item 1)
  b. Full Backups: Full system backup (usually taken once a week after the close of the business week) which becomes a copy of the system for that point in time. Destroy each backup when 2 months old. (N1-64-02-2, item 2) 
1342-1398 Reserved 

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1399 Word Processing Files and Electronic Mail (E-mail) Records 
1399-1 Word Processing Files. Documents such as letters, memoranda, reports, handbooks, directives, and manuals recorded on electronic media, such as hard disks or floppy diskettes, after they have been copied to an electronic recordkeeping system, paper, or microform for recordkeeping purposes. Delete from the word processing system when no longer needed for updating or revision. (GRS 20, item 13 and N1-64-00-9, item 3a)
1399-2 E-mail Records. Senders' and recipients' versions of e-mail messages that meet the definition of Federal records, and any attachments to the record messages after they have been copied to an electronic recordkeeping system, paper, or microform for recordkeeping purposes. Delete from the e-mail system after copying to a recordkeeping system. (GRS 20, item 14 and N1-64-00-9, item 3b)

NOTE: Along with the message text, the recordkeeping system must capture the names of sender and recipients and date (transmission data for recordkeeping purposes) and any receipt data when required.

The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
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