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Turkeys Raised


The Turkeys Raised survey measures the number of turkeys raised, by state, for the current year, and also provides the number intended to be raised in the upcoming year.


All known turkey farmers and contractors are contacted in 28 leading states in December. The following states are in the program: Arkansas, California, Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.

A mid-year projection of turkeys raised is made in August using monthly turkey hatchery data.


Data are collected on the number of poults placed, death loss, and the resulting number raised. Producers are also asked to declare their production intentions for the upcoming year.


The survey is conducted each December. No survey is conducted for the August estimates.


NASS maintains a list of independent turkey farmers and contractors and all (approximately 1,000) are contacted for the survey. The reference date is the current calendar year. Questionnaires are mailed to reach respondents about December 1. Those not responding by mail are contacted by phone.

Monthly hatchery data are used to derive a mid-year projection of number of turkeys raised and to be raised in the current year in August.


The Turkeys Raised reports are issued in August and the following January. The August report contains projections of turkeys raised by state and a 28-state total. The January report contains final estimates of turkeys raised in the previous year and intentions to raise next year by state and a 28-state total. Death losses are reported by region and a 28-state total.


The August report provides data users with a preliminary estimate of turkeys being raised in the current calendar year. The January report presents the final estimates of turkeys raised the previous calendar year and an estimate of the number to be raised the next year. Producers can assess industry trends and outlook for business planning and marketing decisions. Processors and retailers use the data to project supplies. Economists and other analysts use the data to monitor the health of the industry and evaluate the contribution to the general farm economy.



Turkey Hatchery
Poultry Slaughter
Poultry Production, Disposition, and Income



Last modified: 03/15/07

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