Testing Information

Testing Status of Agents at NTP

Asphalt Table B-2

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Figure B-1. Tumorigenic response to condensed roofing fumes. (Source: Niemeier et al. [1988].)



Table B-2. Skin-painting data for the interscapular region of mice [Niemeier et al. 1988]*

Approximate % of tumor-bearing mice

CD-1 mice

C3H/HeJ mice

Substance tested
(50-ml doses)
Not light-exposed Light-exposed Not light-exposed Light-exposed

Type I:
232°C 13 20 95 81
316°C 31 19 94 95
Type III:
232°C 21 15 88 70
316°C 35 12 82 75
Coal-tar pitch:§
Type I:
232°C 68 50 88 98
316°C 64 41 90 92
Type III:
232°C 62 50 93 95
316°C 63 39 99 92
Combination of Type III
asphalat and Type I coal tar
(both generated at 316°C)
50 29 92 94
1:1 Cyclohexane/acetone 0 2 0 4
0.1 BaP 70 25 89 74

* Forty-eight groups were tested. Each contained 50 male CD-1 mice and d50 male C3H/HeJ mice. All groups were treated twice a week for 78 weeks (18 months).

Half of the 48 groups tested were exposed to simulated sunlight to detect any photochemical reactions.

Diluted with 1:1 cyclohexane/acetone to a concentration of 50% solids (25 mg volatiles/application).

§ Diluted with 1:1 cyclohexane/acetone to a concentration of 0.01% BaP (1.5-4.2 mg volatiles/application).