Testing Information

Testing Status of Agents at NTP

Asphalt Table A-6

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Table A-6. Exposure concentrations measured during flooring and waterproofing operations

Exposure concentration (mg/m3)



Occupation Source of exposure Number Type Range Arithmetic Geometric Reference

Brusher of felt
interply adhesive
Waterproofing of
basements, kitchens,
bathrooms, & corridors
9 Total particulates
1- to 4-hr TWA

10.4 --- Ahonen et al. [1977]
5 Cyclohexane solubles
1- to 4-hr TWA
0.8-28 7.7 ---
Mixing Operator
(other possible
Manufacturer of vinyl
asbestos and asphalt
asbestos floor
6 Benzene solubles
10-hr TWA
0.08-0.66 0.367 0.2995Belanger & Elesh [1979]
Spreader of hot bitumen and felt seaming Waterproofing of
kitchens, bathrooms, &
underground spaces
15 Total particulates 1.9-42.3 17.7 --- Priha et al. [1980]
Cyclohexane solubles
1- to 3-hr TWA
0.3-38.9 --- ---
Spreader of hot bitumen and felt seaming Waterproofing of
6 Total particulates 1.6-12.7 6.1 ---
Cyclohexane solubles
1- to 3-hr TWA
1.6-10.8 5.6 ---
Spreader Flooring-industrial asphalt mixture of bitumen, lime, sand, gravel, and coloring agent 10 Carbon tetrachloride extracts 8.2-237 8.27 --- Claydon et al. [1984]
Tipper 10 Carbon tetrachloride extracts 3.1-260 7.26 ---
Float finisher 8 Carbon tetrachloride extracts 1.7-214 6.31 ---
Bucket carrier 4 Carbon tetrachloride extracts 0.5-5.5 --- ---
Bucket filler 2 Carbon tetrachloride extracts 3.1-4.2 --- 3.607
Troweler Bitumen mastic on gymnasium floor 2 Total particulates 5.5-11.8 8.65 8.056 Claydon et al. [1984]
Troweler 2 Total particulates 1.2-6.3 3.75 2.749
4 Total particulates 1.7-29.5 --- ---
Troweler Hand laying mastic containing 11% bitumen at 265°-280°C 1 Benzene solubles --- 10 10
Tipper 1 Benzene solubles --- 7.1 7.1
Carrier 1 Benzene solubles --- 11 11
Kettleman 1 Benzene solubles --- 2.9 2.9
Bucket carrier,
pourer (indoors)
Mastic asphalt
5 Total particulates
8-hr TWA
10.5-17.6 13.3 --- Brandt & Molyneux [1985]
5 Benzene solubles
8-hr TWA
6.0-13.6 8.8 ---
Kettleman (outside) 4 Total particulates
8-hr TWA 2.9-7.7
4.4 ---
4 Benzene solubles
8-hr TWA
2.0-5.0 --- ---
Troweler 3 Total particulates
8-hr TWA
10.7-18.2 14.2 ---
3 Benzene solubles
8-hr TWA
7.3-13.1 10.4 ---

* Concentrations are reported as milligrams of asphalt fumes per cubic meter of air (mg/m3) in personal samples, except for those figures marked with an (†) which were area samples.

Area sample