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Dataplot: Trigonometric Functions

Introduction The following tables list the available trigonometric functions in Dataplot. These are divided into the following categories:

Available Trigonometric Functions
Trigonometric Functions
SIN(X) sine
COS(X) cosine
TAN(X) tangent
COT(X) cotangent
SEC(X) secant
CSC(X) cosecant
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Available Inverse Trigonometric Functions
Inverse Trigonometric Functions
ARCSIN(X) inverse sine
ARCCOS(X) inverse cosine
ARCTAN(X) inverse tangent
ARCCOT(X) inverse cotangent
ARCSEC(X) inverse secant
ARCCSC(X) inverse cosecant
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Available Hyperbolic Trigonometric Functions
Hyperbolic Trigonometric Functions
SINH(X) hyperbolic sine
COSH(X) hyperbolic cosine
TANH(X) hyperbolic tangent
COTH(X) hyperbolic cotangent
SECH(X) hyperbolic secant
CSCH(X) hyperbolic cosecant
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Available Inverse Hyperbolic Trigonometric Functions
Inverse Hyperbolic Trigonometric Functions
ARCSINH(X) inverse hyperbolic sine
ARCCOSH(X) inverse hyperbolic cosine
ARCTANH(X) inverse hyperbolic tangent
ARCCOTH(X) inverse hyperbolic cotangent
ARCSECH(X) inverse hyperbolic secant
ARCCSCH(X) inverse hyperbolic cosecant
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Available Complex Trigonometric Functions
Complex Trigonometric Functions
CSIN(XR,XI) real component of the sine of a complex number
CSINI(XR,XI) imaginary component of the sine of a complex number
CCOS(XR,XI) real component of the cosine of a complex number
CCOSI(XR,XI) imaginary component of the cosine of a complex number
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Date created: 6/5/2001
Last updated: 10/2/2002
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