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Dataplot: Integral Functions

Introduction The following table lists the avaible integral functions in Dataplot.

Available Integral Functions
Integral Functions
CLAUSN(X) Clausen integral
COSINT(X) cosine integral
COSHINT(X) hyperbolic cosine integral
EXPINT1(X) exponential integral
EXP3(X) cubic exponential integral
EXPINTE(X) exponential integral
EXPINTN(X,N) exponential integral of integer order
FRESNS(X) Fresnel sine integral
FRESNC(X) Fresnel cosine integral
FRESNF(X) Fresnel auxillary function f integral
FRESNG(X) Fresnel auxillary function g integral
GOODST(X) Goodwin and Stanton integral
LOBACH(X) Lobachevski's integral
LOGINT(X) logarithmic integral
SININT(X) sine integral
SINHINT(X) hyperbolic sine integral
SPENCE(X) Spence dilogarithm function
STROM(X) Stromgren's integral
TRAN(X,ORD) transport integrals of order ORD

Date created: 6/5/2001
Last updated: 10/2/2002
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