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Dataplot: Gamma and Beta Functions

Introduction The following tables list the available gamma and beta functions in Dataplot.

Available Gamma Functions
Gamma Functions
GAMMA(A) gamma function
LOGGAMMA(A) log (to base e) gamma function
GAMMAI(X,A) incomplete gamma function
GAMMAIP(X,A) incomplete gamma function ratio
GAMMAIC(X,A) complementary incomplete gamma function
GAMMAR(A) reciprocal gamma function
DIGAMMA(A) digamma function (== psi function)
PSIFN(X,K) scaled kth derivative of the digamma (= psi) function
TRICOMI(X,A) Tricomi's incomplete gamma function
POCH(X,A) Pochhammer's generalized symbol
POCH1(X,A) Pochhammer's generalized symbol of 1st order
CGAMMA(XR,XC) real component of the complex gamma function
CGAMMAI(XR,XC) complex component of the complex gamma function
CLNGAM(XR,XC) real component of the complex log gamma function
CLNGAMI(XR,XC) complex component of the complex log gamma function
CPSI(XR,XC) real component of the complex psi function
CPSII(XR,XC) complex component of the complex psi function
Dataplot  / Dataplot Functions  / Gamma and Beta Functions ]

Available Beta Functions
Beta Functions
BETA(A,B) beta function
BETAI(X,A,B) incomplete beta function
LOGBETA(A,B) log (to base e) beta function
CBETA(XR,XC) real component of the complex beta function
CBETAI(XR,XC) complex component of the complex beta function
CLNBETA(XR,XC) real component of the complex log beta function
CLNBETAI(XR,XC) complex component of the complex log beta function
Dataplot  / Dataplot Functions  / Gamma and Beta Functions ]

Date created: 6/5/2001
Last updated: 10/2/2002
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