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Veterinarian Network Improves Cattle-Breeding in Southern Kyrgyzstan

On January 31, USAID, Mercy Corps, and local government representatives opened the Veterinary Service and Artificial Insemination Center in Nookat, Osh Oblast. This was the first of nine centers to be opened in southern Kyrgyzstan with support from USAID’s Community Development Initiative (CDI) project, implemented by Mercy Corps. CDI was designed to address problems related to deterioration of livestock health and productivity, which has lead to declines in the quantity and quality of meat and dairy in the region. The project has helped seven community clusters form Local Economic Development Councils to identify and prioritize economic development initiatives for their area. Several of the councils selected veterinary service and artificial insemination centers as a priority and received CDI co-funding for their establishment. This new network of centers will help to improve the quality of livestock breeds, veterinary service, and citizen information about livestock health, breeding, and care. CDI will also support a 12-month training program for local veterinarians.

USAID Acting Country Representative Ken McNamara and the Osh Governor opened an artificial insemination center in Osh Oblast
USAID Acting Country Representative Ken McNamara and the Osh Governor opened an artificial insemination center in Osh Oblast

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Tue, 08 May 2007 16:03:46 -0500