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Kyrgyzstan is Recognized as a Leader in Appraisal Reform by Newly Independent States Appraisers

The Newly Independent States (NIS) Council of Appraisers elected Kyrgyzstan to chair the Congress of NIS Appraisers during 2007 in acknowledgment of the country’s leading role among their NIS colleagues in appraisal reforms. The international congress was held in September in Kyrgyzstan, with support from USAID’s Land Reform and Market Development Project. Appraisers from Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan met to discuss the role and place of independent appraisal in the development of land markets. The conference included a presentation of a draft Appraisal Law of the Kyrgyz Republic and led to the decision by the delegations of Kazakhstan, Belarus, and Moldova to develop national standards for their respective countries on the basis of the Kyrgyz national standards.

Kyrgyz appraisers discuss a USAID-supported appraisal reform pilot with their NIS colleagues
Kyrgyz appraisers discuss a USAID-supported appraisal reform pilot with their NIS colleagues

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Fri, 02 May 2008 12:30:47 -0500