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NOTE: As of March 2, 2008, assistance for Tajikistan
has moved
to the newly created Asia Bureau.

gif image - Tajikistan country map

Websites for Tajikistan and the Central Asia Region

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Tajikistan in Action

Emergency relief services funded by USAID and the U.S. Department of State is helping more than 550,000 people affected by extreme winter weather and an energy crisis in TajikistanU.S. Disaster Assistance to Tajikistan Tops $2 Million

The American people, through USAID, is providing more than $830,000 to the people of Tajikistan after extreme winter weather and an energy crisis have caused a humanitarian crisis in the country... Read More ...

Related Items: Tajikistan, Energy

The head of the Sughd Oblast Social Assistance Department participated in the surveyTajikistan’s First Local Governance Survey

In July and August 2007, the USAID Local Governance and Civic Participation project partnered with Tajik government officials to conduct the first broad-scale study of local government practices in Tajikistan... Read More ...

Related Items: Tajikistan, Democracy

Thousands of Tajik farmers increased their harvests through participation in the USAID-funded Water Users Associations Support ProgramWater Program Boosts Harvests, Earns Official Praise

On September 13, 2007, the Minister of Land Reclamation and Water Resources of the Republic of Tajikistan met with members of seven USAID-supported water user associations... Read More ...

Related Items: Tajikistan, Environment

During a discussion on land market with Australian counterpartsTajik Leaders Consider Australian Example for Land Code Reforms

Recently, the USAID Tajikistan Land Reform and Market Development Project organized a study tour for a group of Tajik government officials and parliamentarians to Australia, where, like in Tajikistan, all land is owned by the state... Read More ...

Related Items: Tajikistan, Institutional Reform

More than 600,000 Tajiks travel abroad—mostly to Russia—to find work, placing them at increased risk for falling prey to traffickersTajik Human Trafficking Film Debuts at Minsk Festival

The film “Boz ki” was chosen for screening at the XIV Film Festival in Minsk, Belarus November 17–24, 2007. “Boz ki” was created with support from the USAID Trafficking in Persons Prevention Project... Read More ...

Related Items: Tajikistan, Social Programs

Assistance increased farm incomes and showed how veterinary services can improve farm productivityTajik Dairy Farms Improve Productivity

The 500 dairy farmers who have received loans and technical assistance from the USAID AgFin+ project implemented by DAI have significantly increased their productivity and ability to compete with the milk processing companies of Central Asia... Read More ...

Related Items: Tajikistan, Business Development

This theater performance was part of a broader campaign to increase TB awareness in TajikistanCampaigns Increase TB Awareness in Tajikistan

This summer, nearly 14,000 Tajikistanis received information about tuberculosis (TB) from a USAID TB control program implemented by Project HOPE. The innovative project organized six public awareness campaigns... Read More ...

Related Items: Tajikistan, Health

Thousands of Tajiks, like this man (left), receive TB DOTS treatment from USAID-supported health facilitiesTB Control Program Achieves 90 Percent Coverage in Tajikistan

This summer, the Government of Tajikistan opened the DOTS (Directly Observed Treatment Short-course) program in new communities, expanding its presence to 51 of 66 rayons (districts) of Tajikistan... Read More ...

Related Items: Tajikistan, Health

USAID programs train Tajik professionals to improve laboratory diagnostics of infectious diseasesUSAID Helps to Design and Implement a TB/HIV Interaction Model

On July 5, the USAID-supported CAPACITY project and the Ministry of Health of Tajikistan presented the first results of pilot implementation of the TB/HIV interaction model in Dushanbe... Read More ...

Related Items: Tajikistan, Health

Financing reforms incentivize efficiency and help schools save money, which can be used for renovations and suppliesTajikistan Scales Up Education Financing Reforms

On June 29, the Government of Tajikistan signed a decree institutionalizing the education financing model developed and introduced with assistance from USAID and the World Bank... Read More ...

Related Items: Tajikistan, Education

DDRP training introduced participants to new methods of teaching drug use prevention curriculaUSAID-supported Drug Demand Prevention Curricula Adopted by Tajikistan’s Police Schools

In April 2007, instructors from Tajikistan’s Police Academy and the Primary Police School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs participated in a “train-the-trainers” seminar on drug use prevention curricula in Dushanbe... Read More ...

Related Items: Tajikistan, Education

During trainings, nurses learn to focus their work around the needs of pregnant womenMedical Professionals Trained on Safe Motherhood

Recently, USAID’s ZdravPlus project conducted a seminar on family-centered prenatal care and birth preparation for obstetricians-gynecologists, midwives, and family doctors from the primary health care facilities... Read More ...

Related Items: Tajikistan, Health

At the fair, students promoted and sold products and services of their school companiesYoung Entrepreneurs Showcase Business Skills

On May 22, 2007, Junior Achievement together with the local Committee on Youth, Sport, and Tourism and the Sughd Regional Department of Education organized a “Young Entrepreneurs Fair 2007” in Khujand, Tajikistan... Read More ...

Related Items: Tajikistan, Education

One of the members of Saodat farm testifies how her land rights were taken away illegallyUSAID Helps Tajik Women Regain Land

One hundred women from the Saodat Farm in northern Tajikistan recently regained possession of 19 hectares of irrigated land, thanks to USAID intervention. The land, which was restored to its owners in February 2007, had been illegally seized several years ago.... Read More ...

Related Items: Tajikistan, Rule of Law

USAID's representative hands over the completion certificate to one of the graduatesFamily Medicine Trainers to Share Expertise across Tajikistan

In May 2007, eight medical professionals graduated from an 11-month “Train the Trainer” course offered through the Family Medicine Training Center at Tajikistan’s Post Graduate Medical Institute... Read More ...

Related Items: Tajikistan, Education

To reduce drug demand, USAID provides Tajik migrants with necessary guidanceDrug Demand Reduction Program Targets Tajik Labor Migrants

The USAID-funded Drug Demand Reduction Program (DDRP) and its implementing partner, the Open Society Institute Assistance Foundation, has produced a labor migrant guide for Tajikistan citizens migrating to Russia... Read More ...

Related Items: Tajikistan, Education

Women and children affected by landslide receive lentils and vegetable seedsU.S. Humanitarian Aid Reaches Villages after Natural Disaster

Mercy Corps is implementing a USAID-funded Direct Assistance Program (DAP) in the Rasht Valley, a highly mountainous area in the northern region of Tajikistan a very fragile environment that is prone to natural disasters... Read More ...

Related Items: Tajikistan, Environment

Campaigns teach children and adults to take care of their water resourcesCampaigns Teach Public to Protect Environment

Over the past year, the USAID-funded Water User Association Support Program (WUASP) implemented by Winrock International organized 14 campaigns on “How to avoid pollution in canals” at local schools... Read More ...

Related Items: Tajikistan, Environment

The USAID-funded WUASP project increased farmers' harvestsWater Program Increases Farmer Profits by $1M

Tajik farmers participating in the USAID-funded Water User Association Support Project (WUASP) increased their profitability by an estimated $1 million from their 6,300 hectares of irrigated farm land in 2006... Read More ...

Related Items: Tajikistan, Business Development

Young pupils have responded to the introduction of modern teaching methods and materials, which are credited with widespread student successSchool is a Beacon of Hope in Remote Tajikistan

“Let’s not stay there too long: it’s the den of the mujahedeen,” said the driver after we made the turn to Yazgulam Village, leaving behind the picturesque road along the river Pyanj in Gorno Badakhshan Oblast of Tajikistan... Read More ...

Related Items: Tajikistan, Education

The USAID-funded program helps communities to set up and manage water users associationsTajikistan Passes Its First Water Users Association Law

In November, the Parliament and President of the Republic of Tajikistan signed the country’s first Water User Association Law. Previously, water user associations (WUAs) were registered under the Law on Public Associations... Read More ...

Related Items: Tajikistan, Rule of Law

Cultural workers, as well as representatives from government, international organizations, and NGOs attended the award ceremony for the competitionMedia Campaigns Compete to Reduce Drug Use

On November 30, an awards ceremony was held for the winners of the “The World without Narcotics” competition conducted under the auspices of the USAID-funded Drug Demand Reduction Program (DDRP) in partnership with Internews Tajikistan... Read More ...

Related Items: Tajikistan, Health

USAID helps introduce interactive teaching methods and improve management of resources in Tajik schoolsTajikistan Expands Successful School Budgeting Pilot Program

On October 30, the Government of Tajikistan agreed to expand the new school finance mechanism to ten additional regions from the current five pilot regions of Kulob, Vahdat, Yavan, Khojand, and Khorog... Read More ...

Related Items: Tajikistan, Institutional Reform

The new bazaar will sell produce for the Dushanbe and Badakhshan Autonomous Region marketsNew Bazaar to Increase Local Economic Opportunities

Tavildara’s first bazaar, built with support from USAID’s Tajikistan Conflict Prevention Project, officially opened on September 3... Read More ...

Related Items: Tajikistan, Business Development

The USAID-supported campaign presented children's drawings about environmental protectionTajik Communities Learn to Protect their Environment

On October 31, USAID’s Water Users Associations Support Program (WUASP) organized an environmental protection public campaign “How to avoid pollution of canals” at School #64 in Chorteppa Jamoat, Rudaki District... Read More ...

Related Items: Tajikistan, Education

USAID Country Director, City Mayor, and a representative from the President's Office launch the new Center of Excellence in Family Medicine in KonibodomTajikistan Opens its Second Family Medicine Center

The USAID ZdravPlus Project opened a new Center of Excellence in Family Medicine at Konibodom City Health Center No.1 on September 22... Read More ...

Related Items: Tajikistan, Health

Kulyab Oblast In-Service Institute staff learns how interactive teaching methodologies can stimulate learningUSAID Prepares Teacher Trainers for the Fast Track

From August 21-28, USAID’s Participation, Education, and Knowledge Strengthening (PEAKS) program provided training to instructors from In-Service Teacher Training Institutes to prepare them... Read More ...

Related Items: Tajikistan, Education

USAID works with communities to set up water committees to manage this precious resource for Tajikistan's largely irrigated agricultural sectorUSAID Helps Form Water Committees

In the first weeks of July, a series of meetings on how to form water committees and manage water systems were conducted in Jarbulak, Kalam, and Navbunyod - three Asht District... Read More ...

Related Items: Tajikistan, Infrastructure

With USAID support, Junior Achievement provides Tajik youth with opportunities to study business and economicsUSAID-Funded Junior Achievement Programs Received Tajik Ministry of Education Approval

Junior Achievement has received approval from the Ministry of Education of Tajikistan to train teachers in Junior Achievement programs in partnership with teacher retraining institutes... Read More ...

Related Items: Tajikistan, Education

Health specialists in the two USAID's safe motherhood pilots will be providing quality obstetric and neonatal care to Tajik mothers and childrenUSAID’s Project Launches its Safe Motherhood, Newborn Care, and Family Planning Strategy in Tajikistan

ZdravPlus began implementation of the strategy by initiating two Safe Motherhood pilots (one urban and another rural) in the Maternity Ward of the City Medical Center of Dushanbe and Maternity Ward of the Yavan Central District Hospital... Read More ...

Related Items: Tajikistan, Health

Vosse's Treatment Support Group discussed their work with a USAID health specialist during a recent visitTreatment Support Group Practice in DOTS Districts of Tajikistan

Treatment Support Groups, created by USAID’s tuberculosis (TB) control program in 2005, have observed a 93% improvement in adherence to treatment among patients who had previously reported problems with treatment in Tajikistan... Read More ...

Related Items: Tajikistan, Health

USAID supports the region's governments to improve the quality of HIV/AIDS dataSentinel Surveillance Results Presented in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan

At conferences in May and June, the National AIDS Centers in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan introduced results of the HIV sentinel surveillance conducted with assistance from USAID through the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)... Read More ...

Related Items: Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Health

Drug use prevention education has been introduced in 74 vocational schools across TajikistanTo Prevent Youth Drug Use, New Subjects Introduced at Tajik Vocational Schools

The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Tajikistan has recently approved two new subjects for the national vocational school curriculum: the Drug Use Prevention and the Street Business Toolkit... Read More ...

Related Items: Tajikistan, Education

The multi-sectoral Public Council of Kulob held its first meeting on April 1Public Council Created to Promote Local Cooperation in Tajikistan

To promote cooperation between urban and rural communities and to resolve local problems through inter-sectoral discussion and joint decision-making... Read More ...

Related Items: Tajikistan, Democracy

USAID's Acting Assistant Administrator Drew Luten co-signed the Memorandum of Understanding about the PEAKS extension in the Kyrgyz RepublicKyrgyz Republic and Tajikistan Cooperate to Improve Education

In May 2006, USAID signed agreements with the Ministries of Education of the Kyrgyz Republic and Tajikistan to extend the Participation, Education, and Knowledge Strengthening Program (PEAKS) in these countries... Read More ...

Related Items: Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Education

With USAID assistance, Jarbulok community repaired the drainage system and saved their homes and land from deteriorationCommunity Halts Deterioration of Homes and Land Thanks to USAID

After enduring years of damage from rising groundwater, Jarbulok community in Sughd Region was finally able to address the problem when USAID’s Peaceful Communities Initiatives Project arrived in their village... Read More ...

Related Items: Tajikistan, Infrastructure

Community members donated the trees and participated in their plantingEnvironmental Protection Project Brings Tajik Communities Together

Recently, USAID’s Peaceful Community Initiative, implemented by Mercy Corps, completed a project to plant 4,400 new trees in public spaces in Hurmi and Sughd Oblasts... Read More ...

Related Items: Tajikistan, Environment

Trainings and apprenticeships through the ACT programs help participants gain valuable skills to enter the workforceUSAID-supported Economic Opportunity Center in Tajikistan Celebrates its One-Year Anniversary

The Isfara City Economic Opportunity Center, established by the USAID Alternatives to Conflict in Tajikistan (ACT) Project, celebrated its one-year anniversary this month... Read More ...

Related Items: Tajikistan, Business Development

Doro was one of three SMEs that USAID’s project selected to attend the Rebuild Afghanistan Exhibition in November 2005Tajik Firm Finds Buyers in Afghanistan

Participation in the Rebuild Afghanistan Exhibition was an excellent investment for Tajik company Doro, a client of the USAID Enterprise Development Project (EDP) implemented by Pragma... Read More ...

Related Items: Tajikistan, Business Development

USAID provides training, equipment, and funding to support the development of independent media in TajikistanIndependent Tajikistani TV Stations Achieve Another Milestone

Eight independent regional TV stations have recently assumed production of a Tajik-language weekly news program. Since 2001, the news program, based on information and inputs from independent TV stations... Read More ...

Related Items: Tajikistan, Democracy

USAID's food convoy was the first outside assistance to reach families in the mountain villagesUSAID Relief First to Reach Tajikistan’s Avalanche Victims

During the night of January 31, 2006, snow avalanches struck several villages in the mountainous district of Jirgital, Tajikistan... Read More ...

Related Items: Tajikistan, Social Programs

Access to water is one of the several issues tackled by USAID’s Peaceful Communities Initiative to reduce tension among communities.Rehabilitated Water Pump Reduces Tension Among Communities in Panjakent District

In a remote and isolated region of Tajikistan, USAID’s Peaceful Communities Initiative Project (PCI)  helped end a decades-long dispute over water between two communities in Jamoat Hurmi in Panjakent District... Read More ...

Related Items: Tajikistan, Infrastructure

USAID is one of two bilateral donors working on education issues in Tajikistan“Fast Track” Offers Boost for Tajikistan’s Education Sector

In late December, it was announced that Tajikistan will be awarded $18.4 million through the Fast Track Initiative to be used in support of the education sector in 2006-2007... Read More ...

Related Items: Tajikistan, Education

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Thu, 06 Mar 2008 09:06:52 -0500