Adopt-A-Street Program

Participate in this successful and rewarding volunteer litter control program in your community. Adoptable streets include most major roadways in Tempe. The length of street frontage should be a minimum of one mile and should not exceed two miles. Complete a volunteer agreement form and a sign request form and mail them to: Adopt-A-Street, Attn: Steve Horstman at PO Box 5002, Tempe, AZ 85280 or fax  them to 480-350-8815. You will be contacted after the forms have been received to go over the agreement and schedule the Adopt-A-Street sign installation to recognize your organization for helping to keep Tempe streets clean.

Once approved to Adopt-A-Street:

  • Call 480-350-8284 at least two weeks in advance to schedule the event and reserve safety vests and litter bags for your group.

  • Pick up safety vests and litter bags at the Traffic Engineering Operations building located at 945 West Rio Salado Pkwy. 

  •  Review the Adopt-A-Street safety requirements with all volunteers at or prior to the event.

  • Complete the activity report form.

  • Return safety vests and the activity report form to the City.

Call 480-350-8428 or send an e-mail to Steve Horstman  to find out more about adopting a street.