FDA Logo U.S. Food and Drug AdministrationCenter for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
horizontal rule

[Flash version] February 21, 2007

Alert: Reports

Photo of three 14-wheeler trucks parked in front of a warehouse

Now try another scenario activity.  This one should make you think about developing and evaluating security programs.  Read the following scenario and think about the actions you would take.

Your company transports produce to a large retail chain of food stores.  The owner of the food store has asked you to report on the food defense measures that your company takes to protect the produce from intentional contamination.  You report that you have a security management system in place and that you conduct a thorough background check on all of your drivers.  This inquiry has you thinking about your security management system and whether or now it needs to be re-evaluated.

What are some elements that your security management system should have?

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horizontal rule