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Bernalillo County - New Mexico
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Real Property

It is the personal representative's job to properly distribute the decedent's estate to the rightful heirs or devisees named in a will. A decedent's estate may contain personal property, such as bank accounts, stocks, and household effects, and/or real property. In general, real property is land or anything built or growing on it, including houses, farms, ranches, leases, gas, mineral, water, and timber rights.

This is a brief overview of New Mexico's rules regarding real property. Please consult an attorney for further assistance or if you need help completing a deed.

Transferring real property is a common reason for filing a probate. Real property titled in the sole name of the decedent or as "tenants in common" generally cannot be transferred without the court appointment of a personal representative ("PR") with the legal authority to act on behalf of the estate.

The Probate Court can only be used for simple proceedings. If a question arises about the heirs of the estate, who is entitled to the property, or the value of the property, the proceeding must be filed in the District Court.

Personal Representative's Deed

A PR appointed informally by the Probate or District Court has legal authority to sell real property and to transfer title to it via a "Personal Representative's Deed" from the estate to the new owner(s). It is the PR's job to have this deed prepared, signed, acknowledged before a notary public, and properly recorded. Filing a copy of the deed in the court case file is optional.

Deeds from PRs to themselves are voidable without the written consent of any person with an interest in the estate. Title companies sometimes also require a court order allowing the transfer.

The general rule is that change of title to real property (i.e., the deed) must be recorded in the clerk's office of the county of the state where each piece of real property is located.

Probate Opened in Bernalillo County, with Real Property Located in New Mexico, but Outside of Bernalillo County

If real property of an estate is located in a county in New Mexico other than where the probate was opened, the PR of the estate must record with the county clerk of the county where the property is located, a Notice Of Administration setting forth:

(1) Name of the decedent;
(2) Caption and docket number of the probate proceedings;
(3) Type of administration; i.e., formal, informal, supervised
(4) Court where the probate is filed;
(5) Name, address, and title of the PR; and,
(6) Complete legal description of the real property located in that county.

Although not required, it is a good idea to file a copy of this Notice with the Court where the probate was commenced.

Real Property Located Outside of New Mexico

If the estate involves real property located outside of New Mexico, you may need to file a separate probate in the county in the state where the property is located. These are sometimes called Ancillary Probates. Contact the court in the state where the property is located for more information on how to proceed.

Person Resided in Another State but Owned Real Property in New Mexico

Sometimes a person who lived in another state dies owning real property in New Mexico. If no administration has been started in that state, an original probate proceeding can be started in New Mexico by filing a probate case directly in the county where the real property is located.

If a probate proceeding has already been started in another state, the PR must obtain authority to act in New Mexico by:

1) Filing a Proof of Authority with the Probate Court (or District Court) in the county where the property was located so that they can transfer any property of the estate located in that county; or

2) Filing an Ancillary Probate which, although similar to a "proof of authority", requires opening a full probate proceeding, where "letters testamentary" or "letters of administration" are issued to the PR.

You may need to consult an attorney for assistance with these matters.

Time Limits

In general, probate proceedings are not allowed more than three (3) years after a person's death. There is an exception for transferring property of the estate. The PR appointed for this purpose does not have the same powers and authority as a PR who has been appointed within three years of a person's death. The PR cannot possess estate assets except to confer title to the property. (Determinations of heirship actions, however, can be filed in the District Court at any time after the decedent's death.)

Other Types of Deeds

Personal Representative Deed--deed from the PR of the estate to the person or entity entitled to transfer of the property.

Warranty Deed--deed that warrants clear title.

Quitclaim Deed--deed that conveys whatever interest the grantor has, if any, in a property (quitclaim deeds do not warrant clear title).

Transfer on Death Deed--new type of deed that provides for the transfer of title only upon the death of the grantor. To be valid, it must be recorded with the Count Clerk's Office prior to your death. Does not require probate.

The most common types of deeds for jointly held property are:

Joint Tenancy--also known as Joint Tenancy with Rights of Survivorship (JTWROS). Each owner has an identical and simultaneous interest in the property with the same right of possession. If one owner dies, his or her share passes to the surviving joint tenant (not his heirs or devisees).

If real property is held in Joint Tenancy, a probate is usually unnecessary when the first joint tenant dies. The surviving joint tenant should record a copy of the Death Certificate in the County Clerk's office in every county where real property is located.

Tenancy in Common--a deed conveying an equal and undivided interest, but with no rights of survivorship (property passes to the heirs/devisees of each of the tenants in common).

Other Forms of Property Transfer

Homestead Affidavit-a notarized statement that can only be used to transfer the marital residence, subject to certain valuation limits, to a surviving spouse without a court probate. Affidavit is recorded with the County Clerk' office and does not require probate.

Disclaimer--you can disclaim an interest in property. Some of the requirements are that the disclaimer be in writing and that it be recorded with the County Clerk, filed with the Probate or District Court, and delivered to the PR.


You can buy deed forms from office supply stores and at various Internet sites. Be sure you know which deed you need, the consequences of using that deed, and that it is properly filled out and recorded. Having an attorney prepare or review the deed can save headaches later on.

The Court can provide information and Probate Court forms, but cannot provide legal advice, legal services, or other forms.

Contact Info:

Bernalillo County Probate Court
One Civic Plaza NW, 6th Floor
Albuquerque NM 87102
Telephone: 505-468-1233 or 505-468-1234
Fax: 505-768-5180

Bernalillo County Clerk:
(505) 468-1290

Bernalillo County Treasurer:
(505) 768-4031

Bernalillo County Assessor:
(505) 222-3700

Second Judicial District Court
P.O. Box 488
Albuquerque NM 87103
Telephone: 505-841-7451
Fax: 505-841-7495